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I got up and sprinted to the bathroom. I immediately threw up into the toilet. Roman dashed to the bathroom where I was and started rubbing my back while I continued to throw up. Logan and Patton were soon in the bathroom. After a while I finished and wiped my mouth with my hand.
"Are you okay, Vi?" Roman questioned.

"I-I'm o-o-Okay," I sighed, a weak smile rested on my face. Roman helped me up and I walked to my bed. I sat down while the other three also sat down.

       "Virgil, you need to rest, i know you have a hard time sleeping so if you want, I'll allow Roman to sleep with you," Logan stated. I nodded and went under my blankets. Roman got under the blankets with me. I moved closer to him and buried my face in his chest. I heard the door open then close. Ether Logan and Patton left or Remus and Dean came in. Soon enough we were sleeping peacefully.

(Time skip brought to you by my sleep schedule )

I woke up with a loud thud coming from the other side of the room. Roman was still with me but the room was dark. I looked over to see what the noise was made by.
   "Ow!" A voice that sounded like Logan hissed in pain.

      "Sorry, Logie," someone that sounded like Patton whispered.
   "It's fine, Pattoncake," Logan sighed. I moved my arms to around Romans neck. I moved a tiny bit and Roman moaned just a bit to loud. Apparently I had done something.

     "What the hell is going on over there?" Remus questioned while turning on the lights. The light hurt my eyes.

      "All I did was shift a bit and i had accidentally done something," I stated tiredly as I moved my arm to cover my eyes.

"Ok then, wait how can Roman still be asleep?" Logan questioned.

"He's a really heavy sleeper, he won't get up unless someone actually wants to get him awake, even though it would usually take a long time," Remus sighed.

"Virgil, wake him up, I wanna see if he dose what he usually does," dean stated.

      "Roman, wake up, your brother is being annoying and I can't sleep," I stated, my arm was still covering my eyes. Roman wined a bit before actually opening his eyes and looking into mine.

      "Why can't you sleep, honey?" Roman stated with a tired smile on his face.

      "Blame insomnia," I sighed with a sarcastic tone.

      "Wait, are we just gonna ignore the fact that Roman called Virgil 'honey'?" Remus half screamed. All our heads shot to look at Remus.

      "Roman, why did you call Virgil 'honey'?" Logan questioned threw clenched teeth. Logan was mad.

      "R-reasons that v-Virgil didn't want me to t-tell anyone a-about," Roman stuttered. I then knew if we didn't run we were gonna be deader than a turkey on a thanksgiving morning. I couldn't even think before I got up, grabbed Roman's hand, pulled Roman up, and ran out of the room to hide.

      "What are we doing?" Roman questioned. I didn't answer till we got to the closet that was in the downstairs hallway.(it's a pretty big closet).

      "Be quiet, I can tell when Logan's mad and he looked mad. The last time he was that mad this early he almost broke a window," I whispered quite quickly. Panic was rising in my voice. Roman suddenly pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

      "Shhh, shhh, it's gonna be alright. Logan isn't going to kill us," Roman reassured me. I relaxed in his arms and hugged him back. We pressed our backs to the closet door so Logan wouldn't open the door. Suddenly the door opened and with that we fell onto the floor, well Roman fell on the floor, I fell on Roman.

      "Ow! What the hell dude!" I hissed in pain.

"Language!" Patton scolded. Note to self: don't curse in front of Patton.

"Sorry, dad," I apologized. I got off of Roman and put out my hand for Roman to take. Roman took my hand and got up. "Who opened the door?" I questioned with a glare towards Logan.

      "I did, now tell me why did Roman call you 'honey'?" Logan replied with a glare towards Roman.
       I'm not gonna tell you until I-I feel..." I trailed off. My gaze fell to the floor.

      "Until you feel... what?" Logan questioned with an eyebrow raise. I stayed silent.

      "Kiddo? Are you gonna finish your sentence?" Patton questioned.

      "It's okay, you can tell them. They won't be mad," Roman reassured me. I took a deep breath in and out before starting to speak.

      "We're dating!" I finally chained out in a yell. Logan and Patton's faces looked shocked then turned to smiles.

      "Yay! My kiddos are dating!" Patton squealed with glee. Patton was jumping up and down with a wide smile on his face.

      "L-lo, w-what do you t-think about I-it?" I stuttered. Curiosity now filled me. What did he think.

      "I think that as long as Roman doesn't hurt you, and mom is okay with it, then I'm okay with it," Logan started, "Roman, don't you dare hurt him or I will end you, understand?" Logan added. Roman nodded extremely fast.

      "And if you dare hurt Patton then I will end you, understand?" Roman questioned with a stern tone. Logan nodded as fast as Roman, or maybe even faster. Me and Patton just giggled at them.

(Time skip brought to you by pattoncakes)

      We were hanging out in the couch when mom got home. She came into the house to see: Logan and Remus arguing over what to put on, Patton and Logan cuddling, Remus and Dean cuddling, and Roman running his fingers threw my hair while my head was buried into his lap.

      "Hey, Logan Virgil, I need to talk to you guys in the kitchen," mom stated. Logan got up and I gave Roman a quick kiss before getting up and going with mom and Logan to the kitchen. "Alright, why are they here again and why were you both cuddling with one of them?" Mom questioned.
      "They are here because they are our friends and they also were worried about Virgil," Logan started off.

      "I was cuddling with Roman because he's my boyfriend, and he is great at cuddles," I replied. Moms face lit up.

      "You have a boyfriend! Yay!" Mom squealed. She had a bright smile on her face. "Okay, you boys can go back to the living room," mom added. The question of why Logan was cuddling with Patton long gone. We walked into the living room and Logan went back to Patton while I went back to burring my face in Roman's lap, Roman immediately continued to run his fingers through my hair.

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