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"Brooklyn! Brook come here! We're going live in twenty and the band should be here any second!" I sighed and followed the screaming from my mother.

She's a host and interviewer of a morning show. Whenever I'm here, I have to be her little assistant. She wants me to become a interviewer too but I'm more from the photography. Making pictures of things that happen.

Things that happen in the moment.

Not the ones where you're taking twenty minutes for to look good in it and then take another twenty for a good position and background.

I walked over to my mother as she was reading through her lines. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Brooklyn, you're here."

"Yes and I prefer if you call me by Brook. Not Brooklyn. I'm not a place. I don't even get why you and dad named me like that." I told her, causing my mother to chuckle.

"Well he doesn't has to listen to your complaining about it every day."

"Nope, he packed his bags and left. Oh, well, his choice." I said and my mother smiled.

My dad left us when I was five years old. They got in a huge argument and he said he would leave for a while. A while became days. Days became weeks. Weeks became months and yes you get it, months became years. It's no thirteen years later and we still haven't heard anything from him. But we aren't really bothered by that. We never were. It's the two of us and it works out just fine.

"Brook, can you grab a coffee for me before we start? And maybe check out where the band's at?" She asked and I nodded, smiling.

"Sure. But how do I know what the band looks like?"

"It are five, I heard handsome and kinda cute, boys. One is around your age and the other four a little older than you." I nodded, holding back a laugh as she quoted them as 'handsome' and 'cute'.

"I'm sorry but then they are a little bit too young for you." I said and let out a small laugh.

"Maybe for me, but not for you." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. "You have to get a boyfriend some time sweetie!"

"Yeah but until then I'll be fine!" I yelled back and got to the room with the food and drinks.

I grabbed a cup for my mother and placed it under the coffee machine. I started the machine and looked around for a bit, maybe catching a boy from the band. It shouldn't be hard to find them since they're the only ones here around my age. Most people here are twenty-five or older. I do have friends tho, but they're like at least six years older than me. Sometimes someone brings a sibling or ones of her/his kids along. The 'boss' does have a son from two years older than me. We're best friends since childhood. My mother already knew him from college and then later started working for him in several shows. They ended up here and me and Ace stayed best friends. He doesn't come that often tho but we text a lot.

The coffee was done and I carefully grabbed it as it was hot. I made my way through the people and focused a bit on my phone, reading text messages I got and opening Snaps. I looked up but just a little too late cuz I crashed into someone, spilling the drink over both mine and his shirt.

"What the hell?! Look what you've done you stupid bitch!" I heard and looked up into two brown. I felt a little sparkle but it disappeared as soon I saw anger growing inside of his eyes. I was a little bit startled and scared of his reaction.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ zdh [✓]Where stories live. Discover now