Chapter 26

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I smiled when I saw the Why Don't We house in view. My cab stopped in front of it and I paid my driver. I walked out and up to the front door, knocking on it a few times. The door got opened by a smiling Daniel and he let me in.

"Hey Zach! Brook is here!" He yelled and Zach came running down the stairs with a big smile.

"Hey Brook." He greeted me and I smiled before pulling him in a tight hug.

"Hey Zach." I replied back. We pulled away and Jonah greeted me with a hug too as soon as he saw me.

"So what are we gonna do today?" I asked and the boys shrug. It took us only a minute, or Zach jumped up from the couch he had taking place on.

"Let's play hide and seek." He suggested smiling.

"I'm down for it. I always played it with Ace when we had to join our parents at work." I replied and saw Zach's face expression change a little, but Jack nudged him and he sighed before trying to smile a little again. Weird. I thought he and Ace were good?

"I don't really mind." Jonah answered. The others nodded and I smiled.

"It's settled then." Zach replied. "So who's the seeker first?" They all looked at me. Of course I am.

"Fine. 30 seconds?" I asked. They nodded and I closed my eyes. "Thirty, twenty-nine, twenty-eight...." You could hear movement around me, running and whispering. They weren't all smart as I could hear someone whisper to go into the garden and another wanted to hide in their little studio. "Three, two, one. Ready or not, here I come!" I yelled and looked around me. I grabbed my phone and first went to the kitchen to search, getting myself a drink in the meanwhile. I heard someone giggling, knowing it was Daniel. I first took a few sips of my drink before sitting down on the ground by the counter.

"Hello Dani." I said and smiled as his face dropped.

"How did you find me?" He pouted.

"Luck?" He sighed and stood up, helping me up too.

"Am I the first one?"

"Yep, that makes you the seeker for the next game. Don't worry Dani, it was a good hiding spot." I replied smiling and kissed his cheek before walking up the stairs. I searched in the bathroom, but nothing. I then heard something in Jack's and Daniel's room. I sighed and walked up to the door, listening very closely to it.

"Do you think she's gonna find us?"

"Nah bro, she won't. She will find Daniel for sure, and maybe Zach." I heard Jack reply on Corbyn.

"But why did we hide together again?"

"Because Jonah, IF she finds us first, there's no way she lets us search with the three of us. By the way, this is my room so....." Jack replied on Jonah. I rolled my eyes and swung the door open.

"Found yah! And next time, try to whisper." I said and blew a kiss at them as they groaned. "Last is Zachary. Someone an idea of where he could be?" The boys looked avoided my eyecontact and I sighed. "I appreciate the help guys."

"Always Brook." Corbyn answered and I rolled my eyea before walking to Zach's shared room. Not that I think he's gonna be there, I just want to search in every room to be sure.

As I looked in the last room, the studio room, I closed the door again. Nothing. I met the boys in the livingroom and they chuckled.

"Still no Zach?" Dani asked.

"Nope, I searched all around the house. I only got the driveway and garden left." A little smile made its way to their faces. I got a little confused before walking outside, into their garden. I searched around a bit, but didn't notice standing a little bit too close to the edge of theit pool. I turned around, seeing the boys holding their phones. "Wha-" I got cut of by someone pulling me into the pool. I squealed before hitting the water. I opened my eyes and saw Zach holding me by the waist. I pushed him and got up to catch some air. I glared at him as my clothing was now wet and my little amount of make-up was ruined and everywhere on my face.

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