Chapter 31

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Brooklyn's POV

"Where is Brook?" I groaned as someone opened the curtains not long after that voice was heard. The lights came right into my eyes, making me turn away from it and more into Zach's chest. "Found her,"

"Fuck off." I groaned.

"First of all, rude." I heard Daniel response. "Second of all, why are you in Zach's bed?"

"Nightmares," I sighed and opened my eyes a little. I saw him nodding and my mind went back to this morning. I sat up straight as I remembered what Zach said again. "Daniel. We NEED to talk. Now." I said serious. His face expression from smiling, changed into worried.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"We first need to get Jonah." I replied and jumped out of the bunk. I noticed him by the little kitchen counter for coffee. I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me as I grabbed Daniel's arm to the back of the bus. I pulled them down with me and sighed.

"So, what's this all about?" Jonah asked and took a sip of his coffee.

"Well Zach had a nightmare again. I heard him this morning and it was sort of the usual." I started.

"I thought they were gone?" I looked over at Daniel and sighed again.

"We thought so too, but they aren't. And that's just not it." I said and the two boys looked confused at me. "He said something special in his nightmare. Something which made me think a lot."

"So? What was it?"

"He said he liked me. Like, a lot. And later on, when he had woken up and we went to sleep again, he said something else. I already closed my eyes so he probably thought I was asleep." I paused a little as I ignored Jonah coughing as he kinda choked in his coffee. Daniel being shocked and patting Jonah's back, trying to help him. "He said that he maybe even loves me. Like, how can someone hate your guts and then say they love you!" I slightly yelled.

"Well, you like him too, right?" Daniel asked and I sighed, but nodded.

"Yes, but liking is different than loving."

"True, but liking can end up in loving. Besides, you have been friends for a few months now. It's not like it happened in a day like you have in kindergarden." Jonah spoke up. I nodded and smiled a little.

"Ahhh kindergarden. What was life simple by then." I looked up at two serious faces and coughed. "Sorry, kinda got off topic." They rolled their eyes and let out a soft chuckle.

"Anyway, does he know you know?"

"No, of course not. Things could get really awkward if so." I replied and sighed. "What do I do? I can't just say that I like him. I don't even know how."

"We'll figure this out." I looked over at Jonah and nodded, giving him a thankfull smile. What would I do without these boys, their help and advice?

"Who wants to come along with me and get some breakfast?" I noticed Eben already grabbing his jacket as he looked around for a volunteer.

"I will." I reacted and stood up. He smiled at me and threw my jacket to me. I catched it and waved the boys goodbye as Zach was still sleeping and the other two playing games.

Daniel's POV

"We got a serious problem. Zach needs to tell her real quick now." I sighed as Jonah was nervously tapping with his fingers on the table.

"I know, shall we wake him up?"

"Wake up who?" A tired Zach was standing in front of us as he let out a big yawn. He rubbed his eyes before sitting down on Brooklyn's previous spot.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ zdh [✓]Where stories live. Discover now