Chapter 34

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Zach's POV

"Is everything set for tomorrow?" I asked and looked at the boys.

"Yes, we got the video all set." Corbyn answered smiling.

"And I reservated your ring. We only need to pick it up tomorrow and pay for it." Dani told us all proudly.

"But Brook is gonna be back in an hour and then we don't really have some alone time anymore, except for in the changingrooms of course." I looked to my side towards Jack and nodded.

"Yes so we need to get through tomorrow now."


"Hey boys!" We all looked to the front to see a smiling Brook. I laughed as she was holding a huge chocolate bar. "Eben got me this!" She slightly yelled and hugged Eben when he came inside too. I raised my eyebrow at him.

He only had to distract her for a hour or 2. Not charm her.

"She was literally begging me for it." He replied and Brook's eyes got big.

"That is so NOT true!"

"Yeah yeah, eat your chocolate." He answered and got past her. Brook lightly pushed him as he did and sat down with a frown.

"You're just jealous 'cause you got none." A little smile appeared on her face and she looked at me.

"Thanks Zach." I smiled and turned to Eben who had now raised an eyebrow.

"You aren't her boyfriend yet, so you don't have to act like one already." He whispered and rolled his eyes playfully at me. I pushed him a little and sat down.

"Why did you even give her candy? We have to go to bed in like an hour." Jack replied.

"She's gonna be hella hyper now." Corbyn added and groaned.

"I like hyper Brook." Eben answered and smiled. "She's loud, but fun."

"Well, then YOU can keep an eye on her." Jonah replied and took a sip of his water. He told us it was a little too late for coffee right now.


"Guys, I lost Brooklyn." I looked at Eben and groaned.


"I'm sorry, but she was too fast."

"How can you even lose her in a tour bus?" Corbyn asked him, making me wonder too.

"Well- uhm- she uh- she ran outside." He answered and scratched the back of his neck.

"Something about needing to go outside to listen to the bedtime stories of the stars, before they disappear behind the clouds." The boys looked dumbfounded at me as I repeated Brooklyn's words which I heard her yell not long ago. I just didn't think something serious of it.

"That was pretty deep." Dani replied.

"So she went outside to talk to the sky. Great." Jack responded and groaned.

"Come on." I stood up and we, eventually, all got outside. It was a little breezy and the sky was already getting darker than it was earlier.

"It's gonna rain. That's what she meant." Corbyn told us and pointed up to some dark clouds.

"We need to find her before it will start raining." I replied and we paired up in groups. "Brook!" I yelled and ran around a little with Eben and Daniel. "Brook come on! We have a show to do tomorrow."

A little later I saw a girl looking up at the sky.

"Brook?" She turned a little and waved smiling. I rolled my eyes and ran up to her with the other two. "Come on Brook, it's late." I grabbed her arm and pulled it with me.

"No wait, the stars aren't done yet with their stories." She whined. I chuckled and turned to her.

"You heard enough, you have always tomorrow and I think they will be here too then." I replied back and saw her nod.

"And Zach is good at telling stories too." I glared at Daniel who had to speak that out loud.

When Reese and Ryan were younger, I used to tell them bedtime stories before putting them in bed.

"Yes he will tell you a story, right Zach?" I glared at Eben too before sighing.

"Fine." Brook cheered and hugged me. I chuckled again and as Eben already told the others we found her and were heading back.

We arrived at the bus, seeing Jonah, Jack and Corbyn waiting for us. Brook ran past us inside.

"She's happy." Jonah stated.

"These morons here, told her I was gonna tell her a bedtime story, instead of the stars." I heard Eben and Daniel chuckle behind me.

"It can't be that bad." Corbyn replied and I sighed before getting in. I sat down on the couch and she came back in 10 minutes, changed and ready for bed. She jumped on the couch next to me and smiled. I looked at the boys who were sitting on the other couch with their full attention to me. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Alright, once upon a time-"


A/N Next one will probably be the last chapter, hope you liked it so far🙈❤

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