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~ A week later ~


Brooklyn's pov.

"I have the snacks!"

"I have the movies!"

"I have my hoodie!"

"Not fair, I want a hoodie too!" I groaned when I saw Jonah's hoodie.

"Wait! I have another one!" He yelled and ran upstairs to his shared room. I smiled as he ran downstairs again and threw a Harry Potter hoodie to me. I putted it over my shirt and sat down on the couch. Jonah jumped next to me after putting the movies in. We're holding a Harry Potter marathon while the boys are away for the day, they left at like 4am. He insisted when he realized I've never seen any of them.

But all the movies together are more than twenty two hours so we had to start a bit early.

Around 5 a.m.


"I love this movie." I sighed happily with a smile at the credits.

"You've only seen the first one." Jonah chuckled. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Whatever, let's watch the next one." I spoke and he nodded.


"Shhhh be quiet. They're probably already sleeping." Jonah and I looked up and to the door where the sudden noise was coming, and we paused the last Harry Potter movie.

"Awhhh look at him. Rushing to get in because he wants to see his girlfriend again." I looked confused at Jonah while his eyes widened.

"Yeah, a whole day without her. I can remember how that fase felt like." I heard Corbyn say. This made me more confused.

What do they mean by that?

"Guys!" Jonah shouted suddenly. "We are still awake! Again, 'we'." Jonah exclaimed, the boys becoming quiet.

"Idiot! I told you they were still awake." I heard Zach exclaim. Not a minute later, he and the rest walked into the living room.

"So, what's up guys? What are you doing up at," Corbyn paused to look at the time on his phone. "two in the morning?"

"We are doing a Harry Potter marathon," I shrugged. "but what was that 'girlfriend' stuff about?" They looked at me in awkward silence and looked away, avoiding any eyecontact.

"Oh, I am so tired." Zach yawned, but it was obviously fake. "Gotta go catch some sleep!" Before anyone could say something, he ran up the stairs with his bag to his shared room.

"Me too!" The other three followed him only seconds later. I looked back at Jonah who looked at me with an innocent smile.

"So the movie...." He unpaused the movie and turned to the screen again. I wanted to ask something but he cut me of by putting his finger in front of his lips and pointed towards the movie. I sighed but gave in and watched the movie with him.

The five of them have been acting weird ever since Zach and I almost kissed last week.

Of course everyone knew about it.

Is it wrong that I want to know how it feels like to kiss Zach? Probably, yes.

I just catch myself staring at him a lot, and more times at his lips than that I actually want to.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 ♫︎ zdh [✓]Where stories live. Discover now