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There is self harm mentioned in this chapter. Not the actual act in action, but it will be mentioned.


Brooklyn's pov

"Jack Robert Avery! Give me my phone back!" I yelled as I ran after him through the Why Don't We house.

"No! You talked bad about Fortnite! First say you're sorry!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes.

As I arrived at their house to meet up, like I told Jonah, Corbyn opened the door. He told me Jack was playing Fortnite again and I had made some jokes about it which he heard. So now we're here.

"I'm not gonna say sorry to you!"

"Not to me! To Fortnite!" He yelled and stopped as he stood on the other from me, behind the table.

"No! No no no!"

I'm not gonna say sorry to a game!


"Fine, then you won't get your phone back." He said and stuck his tongue out. I gave up chasing him and sat down on the couch. I jumped up when Daniel jumped beside me.

"Hello." I chuckled and smiled.

"Hello." I replied back and he returned the smile.

"Is you're stupid war with Zach still going on?" I looked behind me and saw Corbyn on his phone.

"Yeah." I answered and he nodded. He disappeared in the kitchen and I looked back at Daniel. "When do you need to be in the studio?" I asked and he thought for a little.

"Jonah! How late at the studio again?!" He yelled and I covered my ears a bit.

A warning would've been nice.

"We need to be there in an hour!" Jonah yelled back.

"You're answer miss." Dani said and I laughed.

"Well thank you. Is everyone ready?"

"Corbyn and Jack are in the kitchen, Jonah in the hallway, Zach is still in his room I guess and I'm here in the living room with you." He said and I nodded. "I will get Zach so we can take our time in the car and at the studio."

"Okey." I replied and he made his way upstairs. I stood up too and walked to the kitchen where Jack and Corbyn are. "Hey, Daniel is getting Zach and then we will probably go." I told them and they nodded as their look fell on me.

"So what's up between you and Zach? Corbyn told me your war is still continueing." Jack said and I shrugged. 

"Yeah, but Zach is acting weird lately. Such as that last post of him. Was that going about me?" I asked the two and they shrugged. 

"Zach is in the car with Jonah. So let's go guys." Daniel told us as he walked in the kitchen. Jack placed his glass in the sink and we all walked to their van.

I got in the backseat and Daniel came sitting next to me. Jonah was driving and Zach was sitting next to him in the passenger's seat. Then we had Corbyn and Jack sitting in the middle of the van, so before Daniel and I and behind Jonah and Zach.

Jonah started the car as the last door closed and I looked through the little mirror in the front, at Zach. He was looking grumpy but sleepy. I elbowed Daniel and I regained his attention.

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