The discovery

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Luna-belle p.o.v
I woke up to no Henrik and a quiet house.Something's wrong.This house is never quiet and I always wake up in the morning with Henrik next to me.I got up and walked downstairs looking for anything suspicious.I heard noise in the kitchen and walked in their to see Henrik reading."Hey Henrik."I said rubbing my tired eyes."Hey Luna."Henrik said still reading."Where is everyone?"I asked sitting on one of the chairs."They're on a little trip.They said they will be back in a couple days."Henrik answered putting his book down and looking up at me.He walked over to me,picked me up,sat down and put me on his lap."Are you ok?"Henrik asked me."I'm fine."I said not looking at him."Luna,I know when you are lying and when you are telling the truth."Henrik said smugly."I'm fine really Henrik.It's just..I just want this all to be over."I said referring to the Cullen family."I know Luna.It will all be over soon."Henrik said."You promise?"I asked holding out my pinkie."Promise."Henrik said intertwining our pinkies while laughing.Henrik put me off his lap and got up.He walked to the fridge and while he wasn't looking I looked at the book he was reading."The maze runner.Really Henrik!"I joked looking up at him."Yes really.The book is interesting."He said turning towards me."Uh huh."I said shaking my head at him."Don't judge me!"Henrik defensively said."I'm not judging you."I said putting my hands up in a surrender motion."Yeah right."He said closing the refrigerator after getting an apple.
I looked at the apple and another one appeared."Henrik!"I said and he turned around.I pointed at the apple repetitiously."There was one on there right?"I asked looking at him."Yeah.Did you-"He started his voice trailing off."I don't know!I looked at it then another one came up."I said in shock.Henrik grabbed my hands and I flinched.I never healed like a vampire."Sorry,moon."Henrik sheepishly said."How come I didn't sense this before?"Henrik muttered to himself."Sense what?"I asked quietly."That you're a witch!"He said and I'm sure I looked like a idiot with my mouth opening and closing and my eyes wide."Werewolf say what now!"I said finally being able to say something."You,Luna-Belle Mikaelsson are a witch,a servant of nature."Henrik said slowly.Again pretty much look like an idiot with my mouth opening and closing and my eyes widen."How is that possible?"I asked finally being able to say words."One of your parents or ancestors must have been witches."Henrik said holding my hands in his."I wonder why the powers are just coming now?"I wondered out loud."Maybe your vampire side kept it dormant until now."Henrik theorized."Maybe."I said and then thought of something.
"Lets go get dressed.I got something to show you."I said and rushed upstairs.I got dressed(outfit on top) and waited for Henrik to come in the room.He came in and got dressed."Come on,Henrik."I said grabbing his hand lightly and pulling him out the door and into the woods."Didn't the others ban you from the woods?"Henrik asked as we got to my spot in the woods."They don't have to know that!"I said as I covered his eyes with my hands."What are you doing?"He asked cautiously."Just trust me on this."I said as I led him next to the waterfall.I took my hands from his eyes as he looked around.
"When did you find this place?"He asked."On the first day of school.The others actually let me go."I told him."Really?"He said in disbelief."Yep!"I said popping the p."Tag your it!"I said tapping him and then ran away.He chased after me and I started laughing.Henrik eventually caught up to me and scooped me up and his arms."I caught you!"Henrik said putting me down and turning me to face him."You caught me."I whispered looking up at him.Before either of us knew it we were leaning in and we kissed.When we pulled apart we were both breathless."We better get back to the house."Henrik said and I nodded.We rushed to the house and to our room.I kissed Henrik and he laid me on the bed and you can guess what happens next.
Sorry this is such a short chapter.Having major writer's block and need some ideas.

Henrik's secret:The innocent MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now