The ball

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Luna-Belle p.o.v
Today was the day of the ball,my baby bump is growing and we are all a family again so everything is alright.I walked downstairs after I finished getting ready to see Nik coming into the room with a angry look on his face."You went after the doppelgänger!Do you want another dagger in your heart."Nik said to Rebekah.I whimpered and went over to Henrik who looked at me with and assuring face as to say 'He won't hurt me.'and I only nodded."Again with the dagger threats."Kol said in boredom."Remember you are still in my house."Nik said."Then how about we take this outside."Kol challenged."Enough!"Mother said coming into the room."Niklaus come."Mother ordered.Nik went with mother and Kol went back to staring at himself."You look beautiful Luna."Henrik whispered in my ear."Thank you.You don't look so bad yourself."I said back putting my head on his shoulder."How long were we in the coffin for?"I asked unwrapping the bandages on my hands."2 months."Henrik answered and I ended up ripping the bandages and my hands started bleeding.Again.I sighed and walked upstairs and cleaned my hands of blood and wrapped them in bandages.Why couldn't I be a normal vampire and just heal.
I walked downstairs to see people coming into the house and looking around in astonishment.I walked into the kitchen and got a bottle of water.I walked to the door and started greeting the guest as they came inside the house.Once all the guest were in the house I shut the door and walked to the wall.I opened the water bottle and started drinking."Hey,Luna."I heard the voice of Caroline Forbes say.I turned around and saw bonnie was with her."Hi Caroline.Bonnie."I said then looked behind her and saw that girl who scared me on the first day of school."We just wanted to introduce you to our friend Elena Gilbert."Bonnie said and Elena looked at me with hatred.I took a small step back with fear clear in my eyes."Yeah we've met already."I said nervously."Really?How?"Caroline asked curiously."On the first day of school.She-I'll just tell you later."I said not looking at them because I am sure Elena will kill me."Well ok."Bonnie said and they walked away probably thinking I am some weirdo.
Bonnie p.o.v
Elena led us to a hallway where no one was at and she grabbed both mine and Caroline's arms in a tight manner."Ow.Elena you're hurting me."Caroline said."Never talk to her again or you will suffer the consequences."Elena said letting us go and walking away.This was our big secret.We were abused by Elena Gilbert.
Luna-Belle p.o.v
I heard noise coming from were Bonnie and Caroline went.I walked over there and saw Elena walking away and Bonnie holding a crying Caroline."Hey guys.What's wrong?"I asked walking over to them.Caroline sat upright and wiped her tears away."We can't tell you."Caroline said."Of course you can.You can trust me with anything."I said truthfully."We can trust her Care.It's ok."Bonnie said with a protective look in her eyes."But Elena said-"Caroline started."Elena won't hurt you.I promise."Bonnie said and Caroline nodded."Elena hits us when no one is around."Caroline said sadly."Why don't you tell anyone?"I asked."Because she will kill everyone we care about."Bonnie answered.I pulled them into a hug.
"If you really want to get away from her then you have to leave town."I said."What!"They said in sync."You have to leave town.Go find someone and be happy.Trust me it works."I said holding my stomach."How do we know it's not a trick?"Bonnie asked moving in front of Caroline protectively."I've been in the same position you are.I came here with my family and now I'm happy."I said smiling."How do you even know the Mikaelsson family?"Caroline asked me."My last name is Mikaelsson for a reason."I said laughing a little."We have to go before Elena catches us talking to you."Bonnie said grabbing Caroline's hand."Ok.Remember what I said ok."I said and they nodded while walking away.I walked in the opposite direction and searched for Henrik."Hello beautiful."I heard a voice behind me say.I jumped and turned around to see Henrik."You scared me."I said holding a hand over my heart."I see that.How are you doing?"Henrik asked pulling me into a hug."I'm doing good.So is the baby."I said holding my stomach.The baby started kicking again but this time it was much lighter."Henrik the baby kicked."I said grabbing his hand and putting it on the spot where the baby kicked.The baby kicked again and he smiled."I'm going to go upstairs for a little bit ok."I said so he wouldn't worry if I was gone.He nodded."Just be careful.You never know who is out there."Henrik warned and I nodded."Ok."I said and started walking upstairs.I walked to my room and turned on the lights.I sat on the bed and just relaxed.
The next thing I knew I was up against the wall with a hand on my throat.I looked down to see Elena.I could tell it wasn't Katherine because she wouldn't dare come to a party with a bunch of originals here."Stay away from my friends or you will get what's coming to you."She said and threw me on the floor.Luckily I landed on my back.She walked out my room and down the hall.I got up slowly and walked to the bathroom.I unzipped the back of my dress and saw a huge bruise.I zipped my dress up and walked back downstairs.I saw everyone going into the ball room so I followed and searched for Henrik.
"Would you like to dance?"I heard Henrik ask.I turned around and smiled at him.I nodded and grabbed his awaiting hand.We stared dancing and I put my hand on his chest."Are you ok?You look a little pale."Henrik asked."I am fine Henri.Just fine."I said looking up at him."Ok."Henrik said and once the dance was over we pulled apart and I walked inside the kitchen for some water since it was time for the toast and I don't drink.I walked back out to see mother giving a speech.I walked over by Jesse and Angie and when mother was on the last part of her speech she looked directly at us.It was weird but I smiled at her.She smiled back and I continued drinking my water.I was tapped on the shoulder and looked behind me to see a man with black hair and icy blue eyes."Well hello."The man said."I'm damon Salvatore.What's you're name beautiful?"The damon guy asked taking my hand and kidding it like they did back then.Ok 1:Gross 2:Gross yuck and 3:EW!I took my hand back and wiped it on my dress."Luna Mikaelsson and don't touch me."I said walking away.Yet he wanted to be annoying and bother me.He put his hand on my shoulder and turned it around."At least give me your number."Damon said smirking.I just grabbed his hand and dropped it off my shoulder."Ok if you touch me again I will personally grab you by your ear and pushed you over that balcony."I said and this man wanted to test me by grabbing my hand again.So you know what I did.
I grabbed Damon by his ear dragged him to the balcony with all eyes on us and threw him over with him landing on a mattress.I turned around dusting off my hands and just walked away like nothing happened."Why did you throw him over the balcony?"Angie asked as she came over to me."Well..he wouldn't leave me alone and wouldn't stop touching me."I said shrugging.Soon everyone went back on with their business."Really.Henrik will so not like this one bit.Which is why I get to tell him."Angie said."No!Angie I'll tell him.You always make it seem dramatic and stuff."I said rolling my eyes.She huffed and walked away.I walked around looking for Henrik and found him talking to the mayor."Hello Henrik."I said walking next to him."Hello Luna.This is the mayor,Ms.Lockwood."Henrik said introducing us."Oh please.Call me Carol."Ms.Lockwood said."Of course.This is a lovely town you have Ms-oops I mean Carol."I said shaking her outstretched hand."Thank you.The towns has been through a lot."Carol said."Excuse me.Can I take her for a moment."Henrik said and Carol nodded.Henrik grabbed my hand and led us upstairs to our room and sitting me on the bed.
"What's this I hear about you throwing a man off a balcony?"Henrik said once the door was closed and all the music was blocked out."Well he wouldn't leave me alone."I said shrugging."That does not give you the right to throw him off a balcony."He said trying to keep his anger under control."But he kept touching me."I said rubbing my arms while scooting away from him."He what!"Henrik said."I'm sorry ok.I told him to stop but he wouldn't I grabbed his ear and threw him off the balcony."I said not looking at him.Some people brought out the bad in me.Henrik sighed and sat on the bed."It's ok my little moon.I just don't like any man touching you are even ten feet of you unless they are our siblings."Henrik said kissing my cheek."Just remember one thing."He said putting his mouth by my ear."You are mine!Always and forever."He whispered huskily and I shuttered in delight."Always and forever."I said turning to him and kissing him.
Once we pulled apart we walked back downstairs to see everyone looking towards the balcony."What happened?"Henrik asked Jesse and Angel as Nik and Eli carried and unconscious Kol into the house."Kol tried to kill someone's date so this man stopped him and they fell over the balcony and snapped his neck."Angie said."Is Kol going to be alright?"I asked grabbing Henrik's hand in my bandaged one."Knowing him,he will be out for blood."Jesse said and we all groaned."Well I am going to see if he is going to wake up."Angie said walking up the stairs."I heard you threw a man off the balcony."Jesse said raising his eyebrows at me."I will tell you about it later."I said and he nodded and walked away.Henrik pulled me into his chest."Today was an interesting day."Henrik muttered putting his chin on top of my head."I know.We have a weird family."I said holding my stomach."And it will just get weirder."Henrik said putting his hands on my stomach."Do you want to have this baby?"I asked him pulling away from him and turning around to face him."I do.I can't wait to hold him or her in my arms for the first time."Henrik said truthfully."Me too."I said smiling.
The ball had soon come to an end.Everyone left and me and Henrik went up to our room."Henrik can you help me get out of this dress?"I asked."Sure."Henrik said and he unzipped the dress to reveal no bruise on my back.Thank you god.Wait did the baby heal me.If so mommy thanks you.I stepped out the dress and took off my shoes.I turned around to see Henrik was out of his clothes and in his boxers and his eyes were a little darker.I'm sure mine were darker too.Henrik walked over to me and pulled me close to him.I gasped and looked up into his eyes.He captured me into a kiss and I silently put a silent spell on the room.He laid me down on the bed and you can guess what happens next.

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