Kidnapped part 2

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Luna-Belle p.o.v
I woke up seeing I was tied to a chair.I looked up to see Alice and Edward standing above me."Oh look Edward.She's finally awake."Alice said and slapped me in the face.It hurt but I was use to it.I was punched in the face and in the stomach.Please lady fate.Please let my baby live."Oh come on can't you cry like all the other times."Edward pouted.Hud phone rang and he looked down at it with annoyance."Don't damage her too hard.I still need that cute little body of hers."Edward said and Alice sighed in annoyance.He walked out the room and Alice punched me in the stomach.She pulled me out the ropes and grabbed me by my hair.She pushed me on the floor and I landed on my stomach.I coughed a little but didn't give her the satisfaction of letting her hear me cry."Why did it have to be you huh?"Alice said kicking me in the stomach."Why couldn't it have been me."She said kicking me harder and harder with each word."I-I don't know what you're talking about."I said."You had to be his mate.Well you're not.I am and you aren't taking him from me."Alice said picking me up only to punch me again making me fall to the ground."All he talks about is Bella.Bella this.Bella that.I get so fed up with hearing your name!"Alice said with anger."I don't even love him."I whizzed out holding my stomach in pain."Of course you do.He is your mate."Alice sneered at me.Alice grabbed a belt and started hitting me with it.I turned onto my stomach and blocked my baby from getting the hits.'If anything happens to you or me I want you to know mommy loves you.'I thought to my child and the baby kicked.I was surprised.She always kicks when I talk to her.Can she hear me?I then felt something sharp prick my neck and started struggling."Alice no!"Edward said coming into the room and pulling Alice off of me."Don't drink from her!"Edward said looking at her.
Edward picked me up and put me back in the chair and tied me to it.He turned on the camera that I now just noticed."Say hi to your family,Bella"Edward said and I looked up at the camera."As you can see I am here with Isabella not Luna-Belle like you guys tried to name her."Edward said."My name is Luna-Belle you sick bastard."I said groaning.I was answered with a slap to the face.I whimpered as my face whipped to the side.My cheek started burning and it hurt so much."Now just to let you know,you will never get her back because she is mine now."Edward said and I rolled my eyes at he put his hands on my shoulders."Screw you."I said and he smirked."That sounds like a good idea.Say bye Bella."Edward said and shut off the camera.
*With the Mikaelsson family*
Henrik p.o.v(First time)
Rebekah called me downstairs saying she found something to help us find Luna.I haven't been out my room ever since Luna-Belle went missing.I walked downstairs rubbing the side of my head.I've been thinking to hard.Who wouldn't when their girlfriend and baby were missing and in danger.I walked to Rebekah and saw Jesse was with her.They made up from their last fight.Everyone was relieved when that happened.No one liked to hear them bicker.I saw Rebekah had her laptop out."What do you have?"I asked sitting down on a chair."I was sent this email.I don't think you are going to like it but here you go."She said and opened the email.It showed Luna-Belle tied up all bruised and beat up.I growled lowly in anger.Whoever did this is going to pay big time.
"Say hi Bella."I heard from what I'm guessing is from behind the camera.She didn't say or do anything but look up.There was pain and sorrow in her eyes.Just seeing her like this made a burning pain go through my heart."As you can see I am here with Isabella not Luna-Belle like you tried to name her."The man said walking over to Luna.I gripped the arms of the chair trying to keep my anger in."My name is Luna-Belle you sick bastard."Belle said and she was answered with a slap to the face.She whimpered as her head whipped to the side.I gripped the arms of the chair so hard that my hands started to turn white."Now just to let you know,you will never get her back because she is mine now."The man said walking over to Luna and putting his hands on her shoulders.I felt my fangs come out.(Difference between fangs and vang.Werewolf=fangs vampire=vang)."Uh-Oh."Jesse said and we turned to him as Rebekah paused the video."That's Edward.The guy who did those things to Luna."Jesse said with a panicked face."What things."I asked."We'll tell you later."Rebekah said."Now just to let you know,you will never get her back because she is mine now."The 'Edward' guy said putting his hands on Luna's shoulders.I tried so hard to not shift right then and there."Screw you."Belle said and the man smirked."That sound like a good idea.Say bye Bella."The man said and the video stopped."I can trace the video back to the address but I need some time."Jesse said and we nodded.I ran back upstairs and shut the door.I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands.I hope you and the baby are ok Belle.
Luna-Belle p.o.v
He stalked over to me like a predator would to his prey.He grabbed me and dragged me to his room while I struggled in his grip."Come on Bells,stop struggling."Edward said tightening his grip on my hair.When we got to his room he threw me on the bed and I silently put a protection spell and a spell so he won't see the baby.He ripped off both of our clothes and started trailing sloppy kisses all over me.I just sat there as he started to hit and violate me.I hope this is over soon.Henrik or somebody just please save me.He hit me one more time and then I blacked out.

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