The return of him

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Luna-Belle p.o.v

I woke up and looked next to me to see it was 2:35 p.m.'Wow I must have been tired.'I thought as I got up and went to my bathroom.I stripped down and got in the shower.

I washed myself and turned the water off.I got a towel and rapped it around my body.I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I walked to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day.(my polyvore site)I put the outfit on and walked downstairs.

"Morning sleeping beauty."I heard Kol taunt as I went into the kitchen.I just stuck my tongue at him and he stuck it right back."Shut up Kol.Me was tired."I said.(Yes I meant to put me).He nodded.I sat down."Where is everybody?"I asked spinning in my spinning chair.

"Well Elijah is in the library Nik is in his office doing something and Rebekah is shopping.Oh and Jesse and Angie are taking you to a place they found."He said."Alright but what are you going to do?"I asked."I am going to do something that involves Angelina but don't tell her.It's a secret."He said.I nodded and made motions like I was zipping my mouth and throwing away the key.He did the same thing.It was our thing to tell each other we got the other's back.

"Come on Luna."I heard Jesse say."Coming!"I said hopping off my chair and walked to Kol.I kissed his cheek."See you later brother,love you."I said walking over to Jesse."Love you too.Love you Angie!"He called after us as we walked out the door and to the car.

Before we left I was stopped by Jesse.(Jasper)."Belle can you do me a favor and take this sparkly glitter crap off of me?"He asked me using puppy dog eyes.

"Oh not the puppy dog eyes you guys know I can't say no to that-uh alright,"I said putting my hands in the side of his face.I muttered a spell and Jesse was back to his old original vampire self.

"Thanks Belle I owe you one."He said kissing my cheek and picking my up like he was giving me a piggy back ride."Do I weight nothing to you guys because you guys pick me up like I'm a feather?"I asked.

"Yup I am surprised you haven't passed out from the lack of eating."He said stopping by the car.I hopped down from his back and got in the back seat.Jesse got in the passenger seat and Angelina got in the drivers side."Angel where are we going?"I asked."We are going to a place named 'The Mystic Grill'."She said putting on her seatbelt.

"They couldn't come up with a better with a better name for it."Me and Jesse said in sync.We laughed and talked all away there.When we got there we walked inside and sat at one of the booths."So this is the local hang-out huh."Jesse said."Better than forks.I rather die then go back"Me and Angelina said at the same time."We have to stop doing that."Jesse said.We nodded."I just can't believe we are back home and out of that rainy town."I said putting my head on Jesse's shoulder."I know Luna."Jesse said rubbing my back."Just please don't make me go back."I whispered tears threatening to come down my face."We won't Belle he's gone now so you don't need to worry."Angie said her voice filled with sympathy.

"You sure?"I asked looking up at them.They nodded and Angelina grabbed one of my hands while Jesse grabbed the other."We promise.None of us would ever send you back to that town.Do you understand?"Jesse said.I nodded and smiled a small smiled.

"Well I am going to go get a drink do you guys want anything?"I asked standing up.They shook their heads no.I nodded and walked to the bar.I sat on one of the stools and started playing with my hair.A guy with brown hair and matching doe brown eyes came over to me."Hello my name is Jeremy and welcome to the mystic grill.What would you like to order?"The guy named Jeremy said.

"Hi Jeremy I am Luna and I would like to order a sprite."I said swinging my feet like a little kid."Sure I will be right back."He said."Ok bye."I said.He walked away and I waited about five minutes before he came back and handed me my drink."Thanks Jeremy."I said putting a five dollar bill on a table.I quickly drank the sprite and walked outside because my phone beeped.

I opened my inbox to see it was from an unknown number.'You don't belong here go away'It said.I quickly deleted it and put my phone back in my pocket.I was about to walk back in when I was slammed into a wall in a alley."Let go of me!"I said trying to get the person's hands off my neck.I looked up to see a guy with black hair and blue eyes."A little birdie told me that another original was in town.At first I didn't believe it but now that I see it all I had to say was -she has to die.-"The man said.He pulled something from his back and was about to stab me in the heart when a voice stopped him.

"That's enough Damon."The voice was familiar."Emily Bennett what a pleasure."The guy named Damon said.I looked up to see one of my friends from 1864."Emily I missed you!"I exclaimed walking over to her and hugging her."As I missed you."She said hugging back."You know her?"The Damon guy said coming closer.I hid behind Emily.

"Damon this girl is innocent.Do not kill her just because she's an original."Emily said."But she could be a danger to Elena."He said."Elena who's Elena?"I asked."Is that the only thing that is going threw your mind?Elena Gilbert.I know she is just a dead ringer for Katherine.I know your true intentions for this girl and it's not good."Emily said."You know nothing."He spat."What's taking so long?"I heard Jesse's voice say.I looked over to them and ran over to them and hugged them.

"Is that Emily Bennett?"Angelina asked.I nodded."That man tried to kill me."I said."I'm gonna kill him."Jesse said and was about to walk over to him but me and Angie stopped him."He's not worth it Jesse lets just go home."Angelina said.He scowled but said nothing."Bye bye emily."I said waving.We walked to the car and got in.

"If anyone tries to hurt you again tell us so we can kill them.No if's and's or but's just tell us.Ok."Jesse said angrily."Ok Jesse."I said putting my head on the window.

Jesse's(Jasper) p.o.v

I was worried about Luna-Belle.Angelina told me what that sparkling idiot Edward did to her and to say I was mad was the understatement of the year.I was royally pissed off.I watched Luna from the rear view mirror and saw that she was falling asleep.'I am going to protect you sister' was my thought as I looked out the window.

Luna-Belle p.o.v

We arrived at the house and Angelina shut the car off and we got out.We walked into the house and Jesse and Angela went to the living room while I went into my room.I opened my door and walked to my dresser.I picked out one of Kol's old shirts that were to big for me and some shorts.I put the clothes on and put my other clothes in the laundry basket.

"Hello my innocent moon."I heard.I froze.Only one person was allowed to call me that.I turned around and gasped."Henrik?"I whispered in disbelief.

I ran to him and hugged him.I put my face in the crook of his neck and cried.He hugged me back and let me cry on his shoulder.He pulled back and wiped my tears away."Hey don't cry moon I am here now and everything is going to be ok."He said soothingly.He then did something that I missed for over a thousand years.He kissed me.His kisses were always sweet and passionate.We broke apart for some air and he hugged me.

"I saw what happened to you over the years."Henrik said.My mood changed and I untangled myself from his arms and walked to and sat on the bed."I understand if you don't want me anymore."I said putting my face in my hands.I felt a pair of hands moving my hands from my face."Hey look at me."He said softly.I didn't look at him.He lifted my face up with his finger."I will always love you no matter what.I don't care what happened.It's in the past and there is no one in this world that could make me stop loving you."He says truthfully."Really."I said looking into his soft brown eyes.He sat on the bed."Really I will love you always and forever."He said cupping my face in his hands then kissed me.

When we had to break apart for air he started to kiss my neck.He stopped at the place where my neck connects to my shoulder."You still have the mark?"He asked well more like stated."Yes but it's fading."I said running my hands threw his now short hair."I can take care of that."He said.

The mark is like a mark for mates to let other people now that,that person is theirs.It's only for werewolves and only werewolves can see it.Did I mention Henrik was part werewolf and part witch.No well he is.

I felt his canines on my neck.He grazed them on my neck and I held back in a groan.He bit down hard enough so he could tear the skin.It was painful at first but then I felt this tingly feeling go from my neck throughout my body.He pulled back and licked the mark so it could heal."I love you."Henrik said."I love you too Henri."I said using one of my nicknames for him.

We laid down and fell asleep.

Henrik's secret:The innocent MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now