Giving birth

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Luna-Belle p.o.v
It's been about 2 weeks since I got home and I look about 9 months pregnant.I walked downstairs slowly and walked to the kitchen and got an apple and started eating."Hey Belle."I heard Henrik say coming into the kitchen."Hey Henri."I said yawning a little."Why don't you come back to bed,love."He said his English voice raspy."I can't sleep,Henri."I said sighing."Come on Luna."Henrik said grabbing my hand.I threw the apple core away and let him help my up the stairs.Henrik helped me get in a comfortable position.I looked at the alarm and it was 3 o'clock in the morning.He laid down next to me and I snuggled up to him.He kissed the top of my head."Goodnight my innocent moon."Henrik said."Goodnight Henri."I said and I kissed him.It was short but passionate.We pulled apart and he smiled at me.I smile back and put my head on his chest.My eyes fluttered closed and I fell asleep.
*The next day*
I woke up to the alarm clock ringing in my ear.I mumbled something and press the snooze button but it would shut off.I kept pressing it but nothing.I slammed my hand on the alarm and it ended up breaking.I yawned and got back in my comfortable position and fell asleep.The door slammed open and I groaned and threw a pillow at whoever was there."Luna wake up."I heard Henrik say."Go away."I said putting a pillow over my head."You are going to miss the ice-cream."Henrik said and I got up and out the bed.When I sat up straight a shooting pain went through my stomach and something wet went down my leg."Henrik I think my water just broke."Was all I had to say and all the girls burst through the door.
"Lina,Sage you guys go and fine the supplies we need.Here is the list.Henrik you stay here a time her contractions."Rebekah ordered and the girls nodded and went to works while Henrik just looked at Rebekah with a baffled face.Rebekah huffed and laid me on the bed.Five minutes later a shooting pain went through my stomach and I groaned loudly."God this hurts!"I said banging my head on the dashboard.Another five minutes and another contraction hit."Henrik out."Rebekah ordered and he was kicked out the room.The girls came back and had all the supplies in their hands.They put the supplies on the dresser and came beside me with Rebekah telling them orders."Her contractions are five minutes apart and she is almost fully dilated."Rebekah said shining a light in my eyes.I sucked in a breath as another contraction hit.
"It's time for her to push."Sage said and Rebekah sat in a chair at the edge of the bed."Once I get to 3 you're going to have to push ok.1-2-3.Push."Rebekah said and I started pushing this baby out of my stomach.During the middle of pushing I started cussing like a sailor.I stopped pushing and took a couple deep breaths."Ok you are doing great but you're going to have to push again ok.1-2-3.Push!"Rebekah said and I started pushing.Angelina and Sage were holding my hands and coaching me through this pregnancy."I see the head come on Belle just keep pushing."Rebekah yelled over my screaming and groaning.I stopped to take a breath."Ok one last giant push!1-2-3!Push!"Rebekah said and I pushed as hard as I can.3 minutes later I heard a little baby's cry.
"Congratulations.You have a beautiful baby girl!"Rebekah said.Rebekah handed me my baby in a green blanket with the Mikaelsson family crest on it."Time of birth..9:37 A.M."Angelina said looking at the clock."I looked at the little bundle in my arms and she smiled at me.She actually smiled at me."Aamira.Aamira Penelope Mikaelsson.That's her name."I said looking up.Henrik came into the room and walked over to us.He looked down at my arms and smiled."We will leave you two alone."Sage said and they all left the room."What's her name?"He asked."Aamira(A-meer-a) Penelope Mikaelsson."I said as he went to his side of the bed and sat down."Can I hold her please?"Henrik asked."Of course.Here hold her like this in your arms,but watch her head ok."I said and he nodded.I handed Mira to him and he held her as if she was the most precious thing in the world.Like he holds me."Hello little one.I am your father.I am so very happy that you are alive."Henrik said looking at the baby."Here."Henrik said and handed her to me."You did it Luna."Henrik said kissing my cheek."No we did it."I said and we were called by Angelina to come to where they are at.
We walked to the room they where at and looked around in astonishment.It was a nursery."Did you guys do this yourself?"I asked and they nodded."With a little help from the boys but it was nothing."Sage said shrugging.I smiled and put Mira in the crib.I then hugged all of the girls."Thank you guys so much.I owe you a lot."I said pulling back."You don't owe us anything Luna.You're our sister and we would do anything for you."Angelina said.I smiled then yawned."Well it's been a very long morning,I am never giving birth again so goodnight."I said walking to my room.They laughed at me and Henrik followed me while shaking his head.
Once we where in the room Henrik smiled at me."I've been wanting to ask you this question for a while now."Henrik said and got something from his pocket."What is it?"I asked.Henrik got down on one knee and held out a black leather box.He opened it to reveal a diamond ring in it."Will you marry me?I know it's not much but I plan to make it up to you-"He said standing up and I cut him off by kissing him."No need.It's perfect and I love it."I said."So is that a yes?"Henrik asked and I nodded."Yes I will marry you."I said as tears streamed down my face.He smiled,put the ring on my finger and picked me up and spun me around.I smiled down at him and laughed at his excitement.He put me down and captured me in a kiss."What was that for?"I asked."Just because I love you."He said and smashed his lips onto mine.
Last chapter.This book is finally finished.There will be a sequel.I just don't know when.Bye

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