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Look around and see,
Take time to feel and believe,
The poetic devices hidden underneath,
The shadows, the mornings, the gloom, the breeze,

Metaphors breaking at dawn,
Setting into a new rhythm when dusk comes along,
Wilting of petals is a personified doom's song,
Games of syllables, tongue tied infants play on,

The simile in the hidden rainbow of visible light,
Understatement in sun's burning sacrifice,
Hyperbole in moon's beauty in sight,
An Alliteration in everything that breathes, births and breeds is set alright,

And then the greatest Poet of all,
Wrapped magnificence in something so small,
Under whose hair was a waterfall,
Whose voice was heaven's call,,

In the eyes, galaxies who carried,
In the smile, spring breeze who ferried,
In whose words, sunshine never varied,
In whose existence, the whole universe was buried,

He made you,
Honey, you,
The most breathtaking piece of art, forever new,
Beholder of every poem is who,
The significance of your existence, if you only knew.

-Neither a poetic device not a single poem, you're an anthology of inexplicable majesty.

-Hello to any reader that's left here.
A self-love poem for you all❤️

I dare you to say "breathes, births and breeds" five times in a row😂

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