Dancing with Demons

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A few days later, I was called back to Ciel Phantomhive's study.

When I entered the room, the boy was standing in front of the large windows, his arms behind his back, his focus on the outside world as he stared silently down at the gardens.

Sebastian stood beside him, ever vigilant, not saying a word, yet he bowed his head to me slightly as I came into the room.

I walked across the room and sat down in the chair in front of the large desk, lounging back comfortably as I asked, my voice loud in the silence, "So? I'm here, kid. What's next on your agenda?"

He shifted slightly on his feet, but didn't turn from the window as he said, "You've proven your loyalty. Nicholas Irvine was taken care of as I asked." Finally, he turned to face me, his expression set in its permanent look of boredness bordering on displeasure, even though his words were approving. "In exchange for that, before your next task, it is time that I tell you a few things."

I raised an eyebrow at him, my curiosity piqued, as he came around the tall wingback chair and sat down at the desk across from me. "Oh? Am I being let in on some of the Phantomhive family's dark secrets?"

I glanced over at Sebastian, who still stood mutely beside the desk, trying to catch a clue from him, but he was as unreadable as ever.

I turned my attention back to the kid in front of me as he crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a long sigh before he said in a flat voice, "No. Not the family's secrets. Just mine. And mine alone."

I felt my interest flare again.

He continued, his tone still serious, bleak. "It is imperative that you know this information before our next move." His blue eye flickered quickly over to Sebastian and then back to me. "Do you know why I wear this patch?" He motioned with long fingers to the black eyepatch, hidden slightly under his shaggy hair.

"I just always assumed you had a thing for being edgy." I responded flippantly, giving him an innocent smile as he tsked in annoyance.

"Very funny." He shot me a dark look as he reached up for the eyepatch once again. I felt myself tense as his fingers touched the black fabric. What lay beneath? Whatever it was, Ciel Phantomhive was very serious about it. And he kept it secret from the rest of the world. I was pulled from my thoughts as he spoke again. "I'm going to show you what's underneath. But only because I have to. And if you tell anyone what I reveal, I will kill you before you have a chance to plead for mercy."

I gave him a dark grin. "Ah. I would expect nothing less, young lord."

The room grew eerily silent again as his fingers hovered over the patch for a few moments, as if he was nervous about what he was about to do, and then, as if steeling himself, he hooked his fingers under the edge of the eyepatch and tore it off, letting it drop to the floor at his feet, revealing the secret beneath in one smooth movement.

I stared at him for a few moments, my thoughts racing, and then everything clicked suddenly into place in my head.

And though it was an odd reaction, I laughed.

The boy seemed to be caught off guard by my laughter, his brow furrowed, and his now two eyed gaze locked onto my face as I chuckled, bringing a hand up to wipe away the tears of amusement from my eyes. "What's so funny about this?"

I let out one last giggle before I collected myself, bringing my gaze once again to study the revealed eye of the boy before me. The glowing purple symbol where his iris should be was bright in the dimly lit study, and I as I watched, it seemed to pulse with other wordly energy, growing brighter and then fading rhythmically as I stared.

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