Traitorous Business

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I stayed hidden away in the library for the rest of the day, my nose buried in a book, trying to push thoughts of Sebastian out of my head.

Once again, I reread the same sentence over and over before I realized I wasn't progressing, my thoughts drifting off without my bidding, remembering how his arms had felt around my waist, his soft, warm breath against my ear.

I shook my head forcefully and forced my gaze back to the words in front of me, but the book just couldn't hold my attention any longer.

With a sound of frustration, I tossed the book onto the settee beside me and crossed my arms angrily over my chest, flicking my gloved fingers in agitated movement against the opposite arm.

Damn him.

My stewing was interrupted by the door to the library opening, and I glanced up, swearing under my breath quietly as the devil himself walked into the room and crossed to me, giving me a slight bow as he said pleasantly, "My lady. The young lord has requested your presence at dinner with his guest."

I was caught off guard, and it distracted me from Sebastian for a moment. "He wants me to join them? Why?"

Sebastian straightened and offered me a slight smile, causing my heart to flit in my chest for a moment, before he said, "I believe he would just like your company, my lady." I scoffed aloud at his statement, and he raised a slender brow in response, as he asked curiously, "Is that so hard to believe?"

I stood from the settee and smoothed my dress, reaching to replace the book I had been reading before I turned to follow Sebastian from the room. As we walked toward the door, I finally said, "I mean. You and I both know that the young master doesn't especially enjoy my company."

As we exited the library, Sebastian offered me his arm, and I gently let my hand rest on his elbow as he walked us downstairs, toward the dining room. As we walked, silent for several seconds, Sebastian interrupted my musing by saying in a low voice, "I don't believe that's true, my lady. However." He steered me around a corner smoothly. "I certainly enjoy your company."

I glanced over at him out of the corner of my eye as we walked, my cheeks warming slightly at his statement. He was watching me, his eyes lit up fuschia in the dim light of the hallway, the familiar smirk gracing his perfect lips.

I turned my attention back to the corridor in front of us, worried I would trip if I wasn't careful, and cleared my throat, opening my mouth to change the subject, when Sebastian spoke up from beside me again.

"My lady." He steered us toward the grand staircase, his voice low enough that our footsteps almost drowned it out. "If I did something to offend earlier, I sincerely apologize."

I was surprised. He was apologizing? To me? Why?

I swallowed hard, wetting my dry mouth, and as we started to descend the stairs to the dining room, I managed to get out, "You did nothing wrong, Sebastian."

We had reached the dining room by that time, and Sebastian reached to open the door, as he offered me a small smile and then murmured, "Good. Because I would like for us to remain on good terms."

I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant, but he had already opened the door and pulled me into the dining room with him. I glanced up as we walked in, and saw Ciel Phantomhive sitting at the head of the table, another man, who appeared to be important, sitting on his right.

They were deep in conversation when we entered, but when Ciel caught sight of me, he sighed heavily and called out, "You're here. Good. Now we can finally eat."
I bristled at his tone, but allowed Sebastian to pull out the chair to the left of the kid for me without saying a word. I sat down and scooted inward, offering the man across from me a bright smile before I turned to the boy, my smile growing a little more fake as I addressed him sweetly. "I'm sorry, cousin. I was in the library. Sebastian had to come and find me. I apologize for my tardiness."
Ciel waved a dismissive hand in my direction as the food was set down before the three of us.

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