Kitchen Duty

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I slept well into the afternoon the next day.

When I finally woke, I stretched my arms lazily over my head as I blinked my eyes a few times to clear the sleep from my vision, glancing around the room as I did so. It was still fairly dark in the bedroom, thanks to the heavy brocade drapes that were drawn over the large window, even though I felt as though it must be well past morning, closer to lunch time.

I stretched one last time and then slipped out of the large bed, throwing the heavy comforter off of my body as I swung my legs down to the floor and stood, letting out a large yawn as I did so.

I went over to the window and pulled back the curtains, covering my eyes with one hand as the sunlight suddenly streamed into the bedroom, lighting everything in a warm afternoon glow. I squinted against the bright light as my eyes adjusted, glancing down at the sprawling gardens of the estate. Below my window, a few gardeners worked on the hedges, humming busily like bees as they hurried about their various tasks.

That's right. Ciel Phantomhive had mentioned something about a special guest coming tomorrow on the carriage ride home the night before. Someone coming to discuss the kid's business. Nothing that involved me. I had the whole day to myself.

I retreated from the window and headed toward the bathroom, noticing on my way that a tray had been left on the bedside table for me. Stopping briefly to overlook its contents, I took a hurried sip of the now chilly tea and grabbed a muffin from the porcelain plate, taking a large bite out of it as I continued on into the bathroom.

The bathtub was filled to the brim with water, I made a note in my head to thank Mey Rin later for preparing it while I was sleeping, and steam still clung to the mirror and glass chandelier overhead. Finishing the muffin, I stripped out of my night gown and gloves, setting them aside as I slipped first one, and then the other, foot into the water of the bath. The water wasn't as hot as it had been when it was drawn, but it was still warm enough to be comfortable. I slid down the porcelain tub and submerged myself fully in the water, releasing a slight sigh from between my lips as I did so.

Damn. It felt amazing.

Leaning my head back against the cool, hard lip of the tub, I closed my eyes for a brief moment, letting the smells of the bath salts ripple over me in waves of lavender and rose.

I stayed that way for a long time, my eyes closed, my arms draped over the edges of the tub, the smell of spring flowers lingering in my nose.

It was vastly different from the night before-the smell of unwashed bodies, the stares of leering men, the feel of warm blood splashing across my cheek.

And the presence of Sebastian.

I started upward as his face came into my mind, and I could feel a hot blush flash across my cheeks, and not just from the warmth of the water that covered my body. Standing, physically shaking my head to clear it of thoughts, I grabbed one of the towels from beside the tub and stepped out onto the tile floor, the stone cool beneath my bare feet.

Hurrying out of the bathroom, the chilly air of the bedroom hit my body in a wave and caused goosebumps all over my bare skin as I crossed the room and opened the wardrobe.

Mey Rin wasn't here to help me with anything complicated, and honestly, I didn't want to bother her. She was probably preparing for the young lord's guest.

I reached into the armoire and grabbed a simple house dress, made of a cream linen with lace accents, and grabbed a petticoat and undergarments to go with it. I struggled for a few minutes to get everything into place, not even worrying about putting a corset on by myself, before I pulled the dress up my body and fastened it at the nape of my neck. Glancing in the mirror, I grabbed a brush off the nearby table and quickly ran it through my hair, and once satisfied with my state of dress and grooming, left the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind me.

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