Nightmares of the Immortal

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"When will you learn, (F/N)?" Clary's voice was condescending, disappointed, as if I were a child and she the teacher, berating me for stepping out of line and doing something she disapproved of.

I stared at her, trying to come to sense with what I was seeing, dagger clenched tightly in my white knuckled fist, as I watched her cautiously, an eye on her every movement, as she stalked circles around me, eyes glimmering with malice and sadistic amusement.

"I know this isn't real." I stated carefully, my eyes never leaving hers. "You're dead. I killed you myself."

"Ah, and see?" Clary tsked, coming to stand before me, hands folded neatly at her tiny waist, lips curling back in a pitying smile at my foolishness. "That's what I'm talking about. You thought I was dead the first time, and was I?" She laughed, a tinkling sound that didn't match the dangerous undertones of her words. "So how certain are you, (F/N), that you really, truly killed me this time?"

Doubt crept into my mind, but I shook my head hard, closing my eyes momentarily to regain my lucid thoughts. "No. I'm not falling for your tricks, Clary."

"But you know who is really dead?" Clary continued as if she hadn't heard me, brushing long blonde hair back off of her shoulder, as she grinned at me, stepping to the side to reveal something behind her with a theatrical flourish of her hand. "Every single one of the people you care about."

I could see clearly now, the dark forms behind Clary's figure, strewed across the bloody ballroom floor like ragdolls, bodies twisted in unnatural positions, limbs at odd angles, unmoving.

Ciel Phantomhive-his one, blue eye open, blank, staring, glazed, as blood continued to dribble slowly from his mouth-and Sebastian-black suit rumpled beyond recognition, pale skin scarlet with shed blood-and even Mey Rin-her dress ripped and torn, glasses shattered, eyes frozen in her last few moments, wide with fear.

"You killed them. This is all your fault." Clary was behind me now, speaking low into my ear, voice quivering with restrained glee. "All your fault, (F/N."

"No." I choked out, my voice quivering suddenly, as my gaze was drawn back, again and again, to the bodies on the floor. "You're lying."

She chuckled, a dark sound that sent shivers running up my spine, before breathing out threateningly, "Am I though?"

I sat up in the bed, gasping for air, clutching at the tangled comforter that entwined my body, sweat dripping down my temples, Clary's words still echoing over and over in my head.

Am I though?

Gulping down lungfuls of hard breaths, chest heaving and mind racing, I reached up to press trembling fingers into my eyelids, as tears started to threaten, hot behind my now closed eyes, as I tried desperately to ground myself in reality.

It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was.....

"(F/N). Is everything all right?"

"Shit!" I startled, dropping my hands from my face and opening my eyes at the voice beside the bed, blinking a few times as the previously darkened room, now bathed in candlelight, came into view once more.

Sebastian was standing beside the bed, head cocked as he studied me, a candle held in one pale hand, and I could have sworn, a genuine look of worry on his normally cool features, as he asked softly, once again, "Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, no." I managed to say, swallowing to wet my dry mouth, as I narrowed my eyes to bring him into focus. "Just a bad dream." I tried to compose myself, reaching up to smooth my messy bedhead, as I pulled the comforter up around my sheer nightgown. "Why are you here anyway?"

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