The Final Contract

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"And that's it? The contract is complete then?"

Ciel Phantomhive leaned back in his winged chair, fingers steepled before him as he surveyed me carefully, blue eye darting across my face as he waited for my reply.

"Yes, I suppose so." I shrugged, sliding the paperwork back smoothly across the top of the desk toward him, flipping the pen a few times between my fingers before I tossed it over as well. "Signed, sealed, and delivered. I've upheld my end, and you've upheld yours. We're done."

"Good." The boy tucked the signed paperwork into a hidden drawer of the desk, and standing, he brushed some lint from his jacket, as he said in a bored tone, "I guess we're finished here then. You can pack your things and leave in the morning."

I swallowed, locking my gaze onto the figure of the boy, now standing with his back to me, bathed in moonlight as he looked out the window at the dark night.

I didn't dare allow myself to look at Sebastian in that moment. I wasn't sure I'd survive it.

"Is there something else?" The kid glanced over his shoulder at me when I made no move to leave, and swallowing once more, I managed to shake my head, as he turned back to the window. "Good. Now leave."

Still without looking at the darkened, silent, frozen figure of the demon standing beside his young master, I fled the room, and although, as I hurried through the dark hallways, biting back tears, I knew I should be happy to escape Phantomhive manor, I was suddenly, and very sharply, struck with the realization that I didn't want to leave, not anymore.


With a heavy sigh, I flopped onto my other side on the large bed, burying my flushed face into the coolness of the silk pillow, as I fidgeted beneath the comforter.

I had been lying, wide awake, for hours, and it looked as if I was no closer to sleep than when I had started.

"Good hell." I whispered to myself, into the darkness of the room, as I rolled once more to my back, crushing the heels of my hands into my tired eyes as I grumbled to myself, "This is bullshit. Stop it."

"Stop what?"

I started upward at the velvet voice, eyes wide and startled, reflecting the light of the flickering candle Sebastian held in his gloved hand, as he stood, watching me, from the now open doorway.

"Shit, Sebastian." I exclaimed, slightly breathless from the scare, as I put a hand up to my chest, making sure the ties on my thin nightgown were pulled tightly shut over my bosom. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I apologize." He bowed his head, before crossing the room on silent footsteps, setting the candle down on my bedside table, before he placed his hands behind his back in his customary stance, watching me with swirling, serious crimson eyes. "But you were talking about stopping something. What was it?"

"Oh." I felt a slight blush creep up my neck, and clearing my throat, I pulled the blanket more tightly around my shoulders, and avoided his gaze, as I tried to lie smoothly. "I was just telling myself that I should stop trying to figure out my parents' motives. That's all."

"That's an adequate lie, my lady." Sebastian murmured, his fingers going under my chin, gripping the sides of my jaw hard enough that I jumped slightly, as he directed my downward gaze up to his now slightly darkened one. "But you should know, it's pointless to lie to a demon. Call it a sixth sense if you will."

I swallowed, sudden dryness creeping into my mouth, as his familiar scent-woodsy and warm and crisp-obviously some sort of human cologne, washed over my senses, making it even harder than before for me to pull from his grasp.

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