Dangerous Gifts

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Standing in front of the full length mirror in my room that evening, I scanned my outfit with critical eyes, making sure I had everything I needed for the mission that lay ahead.

I wore a long, dark overcoat, cinched in tightly at the waist, flowing down almost to my ankles, the split up the front revealing a pair of black leggings that hugged my calves as if they were part of my skin. Sure, it wasn't a dress, and normally, I would worry about looking the part of a lady, but tonight, Sebastian and I were under the cover of darkness, and that meant I could go for durability rather than propriety.

Pushing a few strands of errant hair back into their place, I patted my hips, making sure I had my hidden daggers, and then let my hand slip down to my right thigh, where another knife was sheathed, flush against my skin. Tugging at the velvet gloves that covered my forearms, I nodded to myself in the mirror, taking in a deep breath.

I was ready.

The sound of the door to my room opening caused me to startle slightly, and I whirled around to face the intruder, only to see Mey Rin's eyes widen behind her coke bottle glasses, as she let out a quiet shriek at my sudden movement, her hands going up to cover her breast as she said breathlessly, with a slight curtsy, "Forgive me, my lady! I didn't mean to scare you, yes!"

"It's fine, Mey Rin." I answered back, crossing the room to sit down on the bed, so that I could lace up the black combat boots around my ankles in relative comfort. I glanced over at her, where she still stood beside the door, one eyebrow raised as I hinted, "Did you need something?"

"Oh, right, yes!" She jumped into action at my question, hurrying across the room to place something on the bed beside me, before she offered another apologetic curtsy in my direction. "Sebastian asked me to bring this to you, yes! Please let me know if you need anything else!"

And with that she hurried from the room, the door shutting with a loud and final click behind her.

Sighing, I straightened from fastening my boots, and glanced to the object that Mey Rin had left on the bed beside me, nestled in the fabric of the silk comforter.

It was a box at first glance, nondescript, tied with a scarlet ribbon, the color of Sebastian's eyes, swirling in darkness, and there was a folded piece of parchment tucked beneath the length of ribbon, my name written in Sebastian's curling script across the front.

Reaching for the box, I slid the ribbon carefully to the side, tucking it into the drawer of my nightstand, before I picked up the parchment, unfolding it slowly, my eyes scanning the two words Sebastian had written so neatly inside.

For tonight.

Curiosity piqued, I removed the lid from the box and gasped slightly to myself at the sight inside.

Cradled amongst layers of smooth fabric, was a dagger, a dagger like nothing I had ever seen before.

It's sharp, deadly blade, gleaming in the candlelight, was engraved with swirling patterns of leaves and vines and blossoming flowers of nightshade, etched delicately into the glistening steel. The hilt, not to be outmatched, was just as ornate as the blade-fiery flames curling around the curve of the handle, plumes of wavy smoke softening the edges, as they danced amongst the flames.

It was beautiful.

Picking up the gift blade between cautious fingers, I twirled it around my hand a few times, testing the weight and the dexterity. Once again, it was perfect.

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