Past Scars

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After Sebastian's uttered words, I stood frozen, my hands still clenched at my sides, the desire to reach out, touch him, feel his skin, still burning like a fire in the pit of my stomach, a dull ache that I couldn't ignore.

But an ache that I wasn't quite sure how to go about satisfying.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I considered my options, his crimson gaze never leaving my face, the space between us almost nonexistent still, every outward breath, warm, fanning across my skin, making my heart pound wildly in my chest once again.

Finally, I swallowed, hard, my mouth dry, and met his gaze once again, my eyes flickering down to his lips briefly, pulled upward in the customary smirk as he watched me, and then I said, my voice softer than I had intended, "Sebastian, I don't...." My words faltered, not quite sure where I was going with this, and he seemed to feel the same, as he cocked his head slightly, curiously, but didn't say anything, waiting for me to continue. Licking my lips with a dart of my tongue, I continued, even quieter than before, "I don't want to ask you for something you don't want to give. I know that you're bound by contract to do Ciel's bidding. But we have no such contract. You're not required to do anything I ask. And I want you to have free will. This should be your decision."

I waited, breath held, as the demon standing before me studied me silently, and I swore, just for a moment, that I saw surprise flash across his scarlet irises, before the emotion was gone, and he was unreadable as ever, the swirling red depths of his eyes watching me, as he said smoothly, almost in amusement, "And there it is again, my lady. One of the many reasons you intrigue me." He raised a slender brow at me, as one of his hands came up and his fingers gripped my chin, gently, his skin cool against my own flushed face, forcing me to look at him, as he murmured in dulcet tones, "Worrying about a demon. You are indeed an oddity among your kind."

His fingertips dug slightly into my skin, just enough to make me shiver beneath his touch, and he must have noticed, because his lips flickered upward, briefly, in the hint of a slight smile, before he released me, and stepped back, reaching up to unbutton his overcoat as he said factually, "Unlike humans, I suffer from no such sense of loyalty, or morality." He glanced over at me, watching him intently, as he neatly laid his discarded overcoat over the back of the chair, and began to roll up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt. His eyes flashed, fuschia and bright, against the candlelight, and he stepped back toward me, his sleeves rolled up this elbows now, revealing pale, flawless skin, etched with a map of veins that flexed when he moved. His fingers, finding purchase underneath my chin once again, stroked slightly down the smooth skin of my neck, my pulse going crazy beneath his fingers, as he offered me a knowing smirk, and said, slightly under his breath, "I have no problem being a plaything, or being used, for that matter. Especially not when I myself find the idea..." He hesitated briefly, his eyes burning into mine, the breath leaving my chest at his intense expression. "So tantalizing."

He tilted his head slightly, almost like the gesture of a cat, as he studied me, and I was sure he could hear my heartbeat pounding, see the blood rushing through my veins, knew exactly of the affect his touch was having on me. But he didn't comment on it, instead, removing his fingers from my neck, and pulling back a bit, as he looked down at me and then said darkly, "However. I do have one request, if you would indulge me, my lady."

I swallowed, trying to rewet my mouth, trying to desperately catch my breath in the slight space he had opened between us, before he overcame my senses once again, and completely jumbled my thoughts. "And what is that?" I was ashamed at how breathless I sounded, the slight blush returning to my cheeks at my own realization of how much he affected me.

I hated it. I was not weak. I didn't get this way around men.

But Sebastian was not just a man. He was a demon, and though I was loathe to admit it, his intrigue, his interest, his obsession, was entirely mutual.

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