Game of Chess

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I set my pair of long, velvet gloves on the table as Sebastian grabbed the prone man by the collar of his suit jacket and hauled him to his feet, the movement effortless, as if he weighed nothing in Sebastian's hands.

Throwing him into a nearby chair, the demon glanced over to where I stood, a look of amusement glinting in his eyes, still glowing fuschia in the dimming light of the dining room, and said in his velvet tone, "Care to do the honors, my lady?"

His words sent a shiver down my spine. Even when threatening, his voice flowed over me like dark honey, his perfectly clipped words falling from his crimson lips like water.

I pulled myself from my thoughts. I needed to focus on the cowering man in the chair before us, held in place by Sebastian's firm grip, his eyes wide with fear as they darted between the two of us. I stepped lightly across the room from the table, to where Lord Estres sat, and leaned close to him, offering him a sweet smile as I said pleasantly, "You're the guest of honor tonight, my lord. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

He met my cold gaze with a look of terror dancing in his eyes, and he struggled a bit in Sebastian's iron grip as he said in a strangled tone, "Please. I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

I straightened and Sebastian and I exchanged a glance over the man's head. He nodded to me, once, firmly, and I turned back to Lord Estres, my lips curving upward in a malicious smirk as I intoned, "Oh, I'm sure you will. So let's start with something easy." I sat down on the restrained man's lap and ran a finger down the lapel of his jacket, careful not to touch his skin, as I purred in a low voice, "Why were you using the Funtom Company for your drug manufacturing?"

The man swallowed hard, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat, before he said nervously, his words spilling out of his mouth in some form of babble, "He told us to do it. Use the Phantomhive company for the drugs. We were only doing what we were told."

"Mmmmhmmm." I nodded in affirmation at his words, stopping the movement of my hand on his suit jacket as I pinned him with my gaze. I could see the sweat forming on his brow and upper lip under the intense scrutiny. "Do you always listen to your superiors so blindly, Lord Estres? It seems awfully unimaginative to follow orders without knowing the reason behind them. Doesn't it, Sebastian?" I looked up and met the butler's red gaze, his eyes locking with mine as his lips curled upward in a slight smirk. He was enjoying toying with our plaything just as much as I was.

"Indeed, my lady." I saw his fingers clench slightly on the shoulders of the man before me, making him wince underneath me at the sudden increase of pressure and the change in the steely grip. Sebastian leaned down, his tall frame bending, his movements almost feline in their grace, and put his mouth close to Lord Estres' ear, as he murmured smoothly, "You must trust your boss very much, Lord Estres, to follow him so devotedly."

The man squirmed uncomfortably and Sebastian straightened again, keeping his hands planted firmly on the man's shoulders, as I spoke up again, inspecting my fingernails nonchalantly as I said in an easy voice, "Speaking of your boss. Who is he?"

When he didn't answer directly, I dropped my hand and pierced him with an intense gaze, grabbing the lapel of his jacket and dragging him toward me slightly, so our faces were inches apart as I breathed threateningly, once again, "Who. Is. He."

He tried to pull back from me, but I held him, immovable, in front of me, as he stuttered out, sweat starting to drip down his temples, "I don't know! Honestly! We've never seen him! He always sends a middle man to give the orders!" His eyes flicked between Sebastian and I, pleading to believe him, his face taut with panic, his voice rising in volume. "Please! I'm telling the truth! I don't know!"

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