Confessions of Intimacy

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I felt as if I no longer had control over my actions as my hands tangled into the hair at the base of Sebastian's neck, my fingers finding purchase in the black, silky locks as I pulled his mouth down to mine.

I wasn't sure how he would react to my bold move, but I was pleasantly surprised when his lips moulded against mine, his mouth warm and giving beneath my own. Fingers fumbling to undo the line of buttons down the front of his white dress shirt, my fingertips grazed across smooth, cool skin, moving hungrily down the stony planes of Sebastian's chest and stomach, the need, the absolute desire, to touch, to feel human skin beneath my hands, absolutely devouring me.

I don't know why I was so caught off guard that Sebastian was a hell of a good kisser, but he was, undoubtedly so.

I felt his long, slender fingers weave their way into my hair, loosened now from my strict updo, and he tilted my head back slightly, in a subtle hint of command, his tongue snaking between my parted lips, exploring every facet of my mouth, causing me to groan slightly in reaction.

My own tongue, darting into his mouth only briefly, carefully felt the pointed tips of his canines with delicate flesh, and in response, his hold on me tightened, forcing my head back and exposing the skin of my throat, as he pulled away, only barely, our lips still brushing with every word as he murmured dangerously, "Careful, (F/N). Don't forget you're dealing with a demon."
"You don't scare me." I breathed out against his skin, meeting his liquid gaze, the swirling depths of his crimson irises sending waves of pleasure through my stomach.

"Maybe I should." He bent his head, onyx hair brushing across my chin, as he carefully ran the points of his teeth down the exposed skin of my neck, leaving behind faint, red, raised trails on the pale flesh.

His tongue, hot, wet, slipped out to trace along the stark lines of my collarbone, and I gasped, arching my body into his, as his lips grazed across the hollow of my throat, his mouth moving against heated skin as he said softly, "I could kill you. If I lose control, that is. Are you willing to risk that?"

He raised his head, scarlet eyes bright as they studied my face, my hands still splayed across his chest, the palms flat against the contours of his body, his skin, cool, chiseled, flawlessly pale in between my fingers.

"Do I make you want to lose control, Sebastian?" I asked, my voice barely above a throaty whisper, my gaze never wavering from his.

The corners of his mouth quirked, hinting at his customary smirk, his dark brows arching slightly at my bold question, respect flashing across his eyes, as he leaned toward me, hands still entangled in my hair, pressed into the bed on either side of my head.

"My lady." His velvet voice was dark, husky, brushing across my skin like a dangerous caress, making me shiver slightly beneath him, as his lips brushed against the shell of my ear. "You make me want to do a plethora of things I am not normally inclined to."

"Then do them." I issued the challenge bravely, although my insides were quivering from anticipation, as I held his gaze strongly with my own. Pushing up slightly from the pillow, I let my chemise drop from my shoulders, baring my body to him, goosebumps jumping across my skin, suddenly revealed to the nighttime air. My eyes never wavered from his, and my voice was confident, goading slightly, as I stated firmly, "I've taken you for many things, Sebastian, but never for one who hesitates when he knows what he wants."

He blinked, slowly, lazily, red tongue coming out to slip across his lips, leaving them wet and glistening, and then he smiled, baring white teeth in the candlelight, and the action sent a pleasurable shudder of carnal reaction through my body.

"So be it."

He pounced, his muscles rippling under skin in a way that reminded me all too much of a lithe jungle cat, and expertly pinned my wrists above my head, easily restrained by one of his hand's long fingers. He was careful not to put all of his weight on me, as his body pressed against the length of mine, skin against skin, heat coursing through everything he touched.

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