Old Acquaintances

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Later that same night, I stood, silently, frozen, hidden in the blackness surrounding me, waiting.

It was chilly, my breath was creating steaming clouds in front of my face everytime I exhaled, and I pulled my cloak around me tighter, the hood hanging low over my eyes.

I glanced upward, trying to catch a glimpse of Sebastian in the spiraling tree branches blocking out the night sky over my head, but it was too dark, I couldn't see anything.

I flicked my gaze over to the ruins that took up much of the meadow I was standing in, and tapped my foot impatiently as I saw nothing. I really wished this informant would show up already. It was bloody cold, and I was getting annoyed with waiting. I brushed my fingers across the barrel of the revolver hidden in the folds of my clock, the cylinder cold against my skin, and clicked my nails lightly along the metal as I waited.

As if my thoughts had caused the person in question to materialize, the sound of a twig snapping made me whirl around behind me, and I was greeted by the sight of a dark form stepping out from the line of the woods, coming toward me on almost silent feet. As they drew nearer, I realized they too were wearing a long dark cape, the hood drawn close around their features, their face unseeable in the darkness of the night.

I watched, on guard, as the informant, who Lord Estres had told us about just earlier that evening, arrived before me, clearly already expecting to meet someone at the meeting place on the old cathedral grounds.

We stood, regarding each other, silent, in the blackness, and then the mysterious figure spoke.

"You're here for the orders?"

I nodded, remaining silent, not wanting to give away my identity just yet, so early in the game, and held out a hand, my gloved fingers splayed.

The informant reached into their cloak and pulled out a bound sheath of papers, reaching out to drop them into my outstretched hand.

The orders. I had them.

Casually slipping them inside the bag underneath my cloak, I glanced back up at the dark form in front of me, and then grinned, the action hidden beneath the shadow of my hood as I said, "Thanks. These will be very helpful."

The person underneath the cloak took a step back from me at my voice, and even though I couldn't see their expression, I could tell by their body language that they were slightly shocked. "Wait. You're not the usual receiver ...Your voice....."

I didn't wait for them to finish their train of thought.

Whipping out the revolver, the metal shining underneath the light from the moon as it appeared from behind the clouds, I clicked the hammer into place, finger resting lightly on the trigger, as I pointed the weapon directly at the informant's head.

They tried to step back from me again, but their path back into the woods was suddenly blocked by none other than Sebastian, dropping down silently from the trees above, and landing on his feet blithely, like a cat.

They ran into his solid chest, whirling around to face him, as he offered them his customary smirk, his scarlet eyes flashing in the light from the moon, as he said smoothly, "I wouldn't if I were you."

Keeping the revolver trained on the dark form, now trapped between us, I took a few steps closer, and hissed out, "Get down on your knees. Hands on your head. Do it. Now."

The figure dropped, following my orders, and Sebastian reached out to remove their hood, revealing their face.

As the moon hit the informant's features, I swore softly under my breath.

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