The Lies of a Demon

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I watched, anger boiling in the pit of my stomach, as Clary casually walked over to where Sebastian was still held, immobile, by the iron spikes, and reaching up, her eyes gleaming with something unreadable, ran a finger down the pale skin of his cheek, as she said softly, "Funny, isn't it? How iron, one of the most basic, common elements of this world, can render one of the most powerful dark beings completely powerless?" Her lips curled into a sadistic smile, as her hand dropped from Sebastian's face. "Also funny, is how, just like my previous example, I, a common, underworld London waif, can bring the most powerful nobility of London to their knees at my feet."

"Can we cut the shit and get on with this?" I growled out between clenched teeth, struggling again against the hands that held me on the ground, and in turn, receiving a sharp knee to the back, which left me slightly winded as I crumpled forward, glancing up at Clary as I gasped out, breathlessly, around the pain in my lower back, "Enough theatrics, Clary. What are you going to do with us?"

"Ahhh (F/N)." Clary sighed, almost as if she were disappointed in me, as her hand sank beneath the fabric of her dress, reemerging with a wicked looking dagger held casually between her fingers. She raised the blade and inspected it boredly, as she drawled patiently, "You always were one to get right to the point and spoil my fun."

She spun on her heel, stalking back toward me, and crouching down in front of me, fingers going roughly around my chin, as she wrenched my gaze up to meet hers, her eyes dark, she grinned, flashing teeth in my direction, as she traced the line of my cheekbone with the tip of the dagger. "Let's begin then, if that's what you so desperately want."

Standing, she flicked her fingers to the man who held me, almost in a bored manner, as she commanded, "Take off her gloves."

I struggled, but it was no use, as the man jerked me to my feet and pulled the long, velvet gloves from my arms, my skin prickling with goosebumps as it was suddenly bared to the chilly air fo the ballroom. Shoving me forward, the man followed Clary as her steps once again brought her to stand in front of the incapacitated Sebastian, and turning, her smile still smug on her lips, she pointed at me with the knife, as she said, her voice fakely saccharine, "Now. Since you wanted to play so badly, we're going to engage in a little game." She flicked the knife over her shoulder without looking, the point now directed at Sebastian. "Touch him."

Triumph rose in my stomach at her words, and I stood a little straighter, as the man once again pushed me forward, closing the distance between Sebastian and I, so I was standing beside Clary, and directly in front of the demon, close enough to reach out and touch him.

She must not know. She couldn't know, that my powers had no effect on demons whatsoever.

"It won't work." I glared at her, my voice laced with smugness, as the man released his hold on my hands, allowing me to stand freely before Clary, arms and hands bared. "It doesn't work on demons."

"Ah ah ah." Clary waved the knife at me, surprise flashing across her face, and her voice chiding, as if I were a student who didn't know something they were supposed to. "It doesn't work when he has control of his powers." Her brow raised, and her mouth opened wide, in faked shock, as she regarded the surprise that flashed across my own face at her words. "Oh, did you not know? This is rich." She flashed me a smirk, full lips pulling upward, as she glanced up to Sebastian and then back to me. "Did your little demon not tell you that, (F/N)?" She stalked around me, looking me up and down, as I stood, motionless, disbelief coursing through me. "You can touch him, if he allows it. It's simply more smoke and mirrors. The entire time he allows you to touch him, he has to use his powers as a wall, to keep you from incinerating him, to keep you at a distance. It's not an easy task. It takes great concentration. And now, now that I have rendered those powers useless...." She paused, coming to stand in front of me, nose almost touching my own, voice dropping dangerously, "You. Can. Burn. Him."

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