Twenty Five - Clingy

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When they arrived at Jacob's they found the pack were having the usual campfire, so they went down to join them.

Renesmee felt very clingy to Jacob all evening, she didn't like to be separated from him for any amount of time. She knew she was being high maintenance, following him around wherever he went. She was expecting him to tell her to quit it but he never did, he seemed to want her around too. Jacob was in a very cheery mood, apart from when the subject of his uncontrollable phasing came into conversation. The pack discussed it, but seemed unconcerned. As soon as the conversation moved on, he was back to his happy self again.

It was contagious, everyone around the campfire was animated. Someone was playing music and people were dancing about.

Jacob led her to dance with the others, it ended up turning into the most over the top dancing ever.

As everyone was so comfortable with each other, they pulled out their best, worst and most insane moves. Many of which should never have to be witnessed by anyone.

Renesmee spiralled and twirled around the campfire by herself in time with the music, she spotted Jacob watching her and headed towards him treating him as her own campfire. She sang and danced around him. He grabbed her hand and twirled her around, stopping her in front of him, then pulled her in towards him so they were touching.

He gave her a cheeky grin, she returned it, feeling too happy for words cocooned against him.

It was amazing how quickly her heart beat when she was this close to him. He spun her away from him and back again, then led her spinning around the fire dancing along himself.

He was a pretty good dancer as he had helped her practice when Esme taught her a mixture of ballroom and latin dances. Something Jacob didn't shout about in front of his pack, even though they must know because of their wolf telepathy. So a few of these dance skills were creeping out now as they were all relaxed together. They giggled about the place together, trying to avoid the others madly dancing around also.

A little later on they sat down to catch their breath. Renesmee in her desire to be as close as possible to Jacob, sat with her legs across his lap, her body pressed up to his left side and her right arm cuddled around him. He had his left arm around her waist and was absentmindedly stroking her legs.

He spoke to her in a soft, quiet voice.

"Do you know what? It was really sweet that you got so upset earlier at the thought of me ditching you to run off with some floosie. It was nice to see because I'd be exactly the same if you were to desert me".

"Well I'm not going anywhere, ever," she said sincerely looking him in the eye. He stared back at her, his face serious as he focused on her.

She couldn't look away, she didn't want to.

She took in all of his features, the colour of his skin, his eyes, nose, mouth, she truly then appreciated the perfection in all of them. Those eyes were penetrating, it was like he was looking deep within her soul.

They continued to stare at each other, they had already gone way past the point when they should have both looked away.

Renesmee noticed a dip in the conversation with the rest of the pack, as they probably took glances at them. Renesmee didn't care however, she was happily staring into the face of a man she thought she'd lost earlier.

She moved her hand towards his face and slowly traced his features with her fingers, her fingers tingling with each touch as she built up a high quality visual and textual 3D image of him in her head.

He continued to stare in her direction but his stare became less penetrating and more glazed over. His eyes closing a few times in response to her touch.

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