Sixteen - All change

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Jacob lay face down in the mud, naked and shaking. He'd just been thrown with such force that it had caused him to phase back from his wolf form and hurtle to the ground.

He'd been expecting something, but he didn't know that he it would be so powerful and take control of him. He hadn't imagined that this imprinting malarkey could have such a physical impact on him a second time. He thought that when he'd first imprinted that would be the only time he would feel such an impact. After all he loved Renesmee the first time he'd seen her, only minutes after her birth and the strength of love and protection he had for her never changed or altered in anyway. Until now the love he'd felt was a different kind, it had always been more than a normal friendship, he'd always known that he needed to be close to Renesmee. She had also seemed to need to be close to him too. Their friendship was based on enjoying eachothers company, protecting each other and doing whatever they could to make each other happy.

Now however he had fully formed new and different feelings on top of all of those. He didn't feel that his heart could possibly contain anymore love for her. He'd been running through the forest communicating with the pack who were a few miles south of him. They'd been asking how he was after his kiss with Renesmee, they could feel what he could, something bubbling beneath the surface. Some of the wolves who'd also been through imprinting could sense what was coming. Jacob didn't really find this helpful as he felt more on edge, like he was waiting to be shot in the heart. It was when he was communicating with the pack earlier, as he'd set off to hunt with Renesmee, that they had told him he might be in trouble. Especially when he told them about the whole weird glued hand thing that went on between him and Renesmee. He was remembering what it had felt like when the others had imprinted, most had imprinted on someone their age and maturity so when they imprinted they did it fully in one go. Only Quil was in a similar position to Jacob, but his imprinted partner Claire was still only 10 years old, so the pack hadn't experienced what happens when both reach the same maturity age. Jacob had been so engrossed with these thoughts that he had run plain into a tree! The pack had already ribbed him about that one as soon as he'd next transformed back into a wolf.

So he'd felt something powerful coming but was still totally unprepared for it when it did.

As he continued to run through the forest the voices of his pack slipped away and instead were replaced with a vision of him and Renesmee. They were kissing, a blissful warmth came over him, his heart pounded and a purr came from inside him. It was completely clear now, he didn't want her as a best friend only, he wanted all of her, she belonged with him not with anyone else.

He was then completely shocked by a sensation which was the exact one he'd been waiting for. He felt as if he'd just been shot through his torso and right through the heart. He was thrown up in his wolf form by the shock and landed flat on his front in his human form with his face forced into the mud. He had never involuntarily phased back into his human form before. As he laid there, his heart was in agony, making Jacob think maybe he had actually been shot. He didn't care moments later as his mind went on a little fantasy journey.

Renesmee was the centre of his universe, she always had been, however her spirit was increasing in size there was more of her than he knew possible. He wanted to have the other parts of her, he wanted to feel as close to her as possible, wanted to make her smile, make her happy in every possible way. He wanted her to feel even a fraction of these feelings for him, because surely no-one else could ever feel this amount of love and respect for anyone. It was like he was waking up, like it had always been there lying dormant but had now been triggered awake. It was like some of the feelings he'd been having recently for her were hairline fractures which had just burst wide open.

He had been feeling a shift for a few months now. As she had matured he couldn't help but notice what a beautiful woman she was becoming, he'd been trying to suppress the other desires he'd been starting to feel as they were so different to anything he'd felt towards her before. He'd worried that even though she was maturing to physically the same age as him and was also the most intellectual person he knew, he felt she was still too young in earth years. However what he was feeling now was breaking down all of those barriers he'd been putting up. He was able to see her in a new light, the previous had shone bright enough to light the whole world, this new light was blinding.

He was sure of the way he felt about her now. However the feelings were so strong he felt he'd never have the confidence to speak to her again.

Everything in his universe was filled with her, it was as if she were a liquid filling every pore, nook and cranny of his world.

His heart ached still and he felt as if it could burst at any moment, how could it possibly contain anymore in it? He'd already filled it to the max with Renesmee, there was no more space for any more

The ache increased, he felt a physical change inside of him, he then remembered what the boys had said it felt like for them. They had told him that it felt as if their heart actually expanded, they were so convinced. Jacob had found this ludicrous at the time, especially as he'd not felt anything like that when he'd originally imprinted. However he was now starting to believe them. He could feel a movement inside, with each movement the ache in his heart eased slightly. He could imagine it increasing in size inside him.

The pain stopped, he felt ok again. Except everything in his life had changed and was he imagining it or did his heartbeat sound louder?

He pulled himself up out of the mud, to a sitting position and reflected on what he now knew.

It was simple and clear.

He was, for the rest of his existence, completely, uncontrollably, devotedly in love with Renesmee Cullen.

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