Forty Three - Hot gossip

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They headed downstairs, Renesmee started packing up her school things, that had somehow managed to get strewn all over the place. Jacob had started making toast. On her journey to the kitchen, to locate a chemistry book, she snuck around the back of Jacob and cheekily pinched a slice of toast that he was about to bite into. She gave him a swift kiss on the cheek for his troubles. He started his protests as she returned to the lounge. She ignored them and finished packing the rest of her bag.

She joined him in the kitchen, she knew he was making enough for her too and she could see several slices on the plate. Even so, she made her way towards the slice Jacob had just picked up, it was more fun stealing it from him. She reached around him again to grab it, but he was already on to her. He quickly placed the toast down on the counter, grabbed her and spun her around, so she was pinned against him. She had not been expecting it and suddenly the dream from last night swam into her vision, her heartbeat increased and she blushed.

"Quit trying to wind me up would you? There are several perfectly good pieces of toast just for you. You'll also notice that they aren't all burnt and the toaster hasn't been melted down," he said pointedly with a smile.

"But it tastes so much better when it's stolen," she replied, "You should also know that I'm a very good cook, it's just that there is some sort of conspiracy going on between all of the appliances to make me look bad."
He laughed.

"Well that's a new and interesting theory," he chuckled, "You might have to get a little more proof before we take them to court."

He was still holding her arms and pinning himself against her. She tried to free her arms but he held on tight. She was in danger of slipping in to the Jacob cocoon if she didn't move soon, she could do without blushing for a bit.

"Aw, I was only going to give you a hug," she said sweetly. He seemed to believe her and slowly let go of her arms. She looped one arm around him, her other arm acted quickly and reached behind her, grabbing the slice of toast he'd put down. She swiftly brought it round and started eating it, he shook his head and rolled his eyes as she grinned cheekily at him.

He released her from his cocoon, she slid out past him, he gave her a playful smack on her bum as she left.

"I hope you don't choke on it," he called out.

"I'm sure I won't. It's not quite doing the trick at curing my hunger though," she said, "for some reason I'm craving a pizza."

Jacob burst out laughing as they made they way outside, but didn't explain why.

It wasn't until lunchtime when Renesmee got to catch up with her mates, as they'd not been in her morning classes. She joined them at their table and immediately appologised again to Harriet for leaving the party unannounced. Harriet seemed a little annoyed, but soon recovered so she assumed she was forgiven.

"We were worried about you," Catlin said, "disappearing like that."

"Yea I'm really sorry," Renesmee said, "I had a really great time up to that point though. It was a fantastic party Harriet, did you have fun?"

"Yea it was awesome, although when you got taken home, several of the others left also. There were only a small bunch of us left in the end. Shame Jacob had to leave," Harriet said, with a look at Renesmee to let her know it was all her fault for him leaving.

So Harriet wasn't best pleased still, but this was to be expected, she and the others seemed to not notice anything else unusual with their evening, so everyone must have done a good job in covering up the Vampire attack.

She underestimated Catlin however, who approached Renesmee at her locker, alone, at the end of lunch.

"So are you going to tell me what actually happened on Saturday night?" she asked Renesmee,  "'Cos I've never seen you drunk before, you drank men under the table before now and not shown the slightest sign of being drunk. Plus you seemed fine when I saw you last. So I don't buy it."

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