Sixty Three - Reliance

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Her heart rate increased, which was already hammering from the fight. A sense of relief washed over her, he was ok. 

From the strength of his scent she could tell he was phased into a wolf. 

She couldn’t stop herself from turning to look, physically, even though she knew it was practically suicidal to turn your back on an opponent in the middle of a fight. 

She just needed to see him.

She found his eyes, they were staring straight at her. Her heart nearly exploded from her chest. It was true, he really was there, she had him back. 

In an instant her focus switched, reflected in Jacob’s eyes, she saw the vampire she’d turned her back on launch himself at her. Jacob lowered his head, meaning she needed to duck. She did as he indicated and Jacob pounced over the top of her at the vampire. 

She watched as they battled with each other. Finally prising her eyes from Jacob as the other vampire hurtled at her from down the hallway. She managed to dodge his attempt to smash her face, by ducking down and launching him off her back. As he flew over her she grabbed his ankle and span him around, releasing him so he flew away far down the hall.

It felt good to be fighting alongside Jacob, she'd expected him to call for reinforcements from the other wolves, but it looked like he hadn't. This pleased her, he obviously had faith that they could win this battle together. 

She was anxious to get these vampires out of the way as soon as possible, so she could go and find Alice. Her arms were tossed carelessly to the edge of the corridor, she hoped she was ok. She’d not reappeared at the window since she was thrown through it. 

She knew she had little time, so acted instantly, launching herself at the vampire Jacob was fighting with, he glanced at her and she communicated her intentions to him. He seemed to understand perfectly, because as soon as she pinned the vampire down by his head on the floor, Jacob lunged at his torso and between them they pulled the vampire's head from his body.

There was an instant relief, in which she heard cries of anger from the other vampire as he picked himself up and ran at her and Jacob. They glanced at each other, then quickly got up and readied themselves for the coming attack.  

He gave her a look which looked like he had the same idea as her. They both launched towards the vampire at the same time, Jacob hanging back a little. She launched herself into the air at the same time the vampire launched back at her. He was quicker and stronger than her and managed to overpowered her, she hurtled backwards as they collided, smashing into the floor under the vampire's weight. It wasn’t the most pleasant experience and the vampire looked pleased with himself. She was the one who was secretly smiling inside. 

Jacob flew over the top of them collecting the vampire in his jaw in the process, with one swift compression and loud crunch he was immobilised. She jumped up and assisted in the vampires successful dismemberment. 

Renesmee and Jacob turned quickly to the other end of the corridor as they heard someone approach, but stood down then they saw Jasper. 

She got up and made her way towards him. From the look on his face he already knew something bad had happened to Alice, whether he’d sensed it or just heard Renemee’s cries, she didn’t know. So she didn’t wait for him to ask and said that Alice was outside somewhere and she’d help him look for her. 

She looked at the ground knowing she’d need to grab Alice’s arms if they stood any chance of reattaching them. Jasper followed her gaze then asked in horror. 

“Who’s are those?” 

She saw him calculating the number of arms on the ground compared to the amount of dismembered vampires and knew he’d figured out there was an extra set. 

The only response she could muster was a nod of her head in confirmation.

She quickly and carefully picked up Alice’s limbs as Jasper seem to pale in response, something she thought was impossible for a vampire to do until now. 

He burst into action, leaping through the window and into the grounds. Renesmee followed, bouncing up onto the window frame, she paused to look back at Jacob, he was looking at her, a lot travelled between them in that look. She felt like something was different. Previously when she’d been in danger he’d been at her side in a flash and taken over if he could. Now it was like he knew she could handle herself and he could let her go without worrying.

Her heart beat loudly even for those few seconds when she glanced at him, but she quickly focused her attention and continued through the window to find Alice.  

Out in the dark, Renesmee could hear a couple of fights still raging but far fewer than she’d previously heard. She hoped this was a good thing, she really hated not knowing what was going on everywhere. 

She followed Jasper as he called out for Alice. 

They heard moans from far over in the shrubbery, they both raced over and found Alice lying amongst the vegetation and in a bad way. She’d cracked her head on a rock upon landing, which had made her a little out of it. She looked in shock at the empty space where her arms should be. 

Jasper pulled her into a massive hug and lifted her from the ground, which was harder than normal seeing as Alice had no arms to hold on with. 

“We need to get you to Carlisle,” he said seriously, as he started walking with her. 

“Yea? You are what 'army?” Alice said.

Renesmee and Jasper looked at each other, then back at Alice, had she really just said that? 

A smile appeared on her face and she chuckled. They continued to look stunned at how lighthearted Alice was about the whole thing. 

“You’ve got to hand it to me, that was pretty good!” Alice said, looking bemused at Renesmee and Jacob’s faces. When neither of them smiled, Alice said. 

“Oh come on guys, lighten up!”

“Lighten up?” Jasper replied in a shocked voice. “Have you seen what they did to you?”

“Uh, yeah, I was there you know. Not the most pleasant feeling the world, but I’ll be alright. Carlisle will fix me right up,” she said calmly. 

Renesmee was impressed with how well Alice was dealing with it, hoping that it wasn’t all down to the knock on the head.

“How on earth can you know you’ll be ok?” Jasper asked. Alice answered with a pointed stare then clarified. 

“It’s like you don’t know me at all! I know I’ll be fine, because I saw myself pointing a finger at you to tell you off for leaving our room in a state again, which means I must get my arms back somehow.”

Jasper chuckled then said,

“Ah of course, I really should have guessed, but didn’t realise you’d get a premonition about my lack of tidiness after an attack like that!”

They’d reached the building and climbed back through the window. Jacob was no longer there, neither were the vampire body parts, so she assumed he’d gone to dispose of them properly to prevent them coming back to life. 

“We need to find Carlisle, does anyone know where he went?” Renesmee asked, then remembered him and Edward running off with Brady.
She’d not given it another thought since she got into her battles.
Who was hurt? Where were they being treated by Carlisle? She obviously knew that it wasn’t Jacob which, even though she didn’t want to, gave her a fraction of relief.

The fight had appeared to have died down as she looked up and down the corridor, she couldn't hear much from either end. 

“His scent is around here,” Jasper said. Renesmee caught it too after Jasper's word. 

“Yea and Dad's, they must have come through here. I need to check on the others in the dark room,” she said, feeling a little worried that Jacob had left it unprotected. He obviously knew they were in there as he’d come out of that room. She’d also not given that proper thought before, what was he doing in that room?

So it was with a great deal of intrigue that she opened the door and stepped inside. 

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now