Sixty Seven - Time

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Renesmee flitted in and out of weird dreams. Most of them were reliving the evening's events. Jacob seemed to have a split personality, one minute he was pleading with her to come with him and the next he was getting angry at her before he went back to pleading with her again.

She tried to get away from the bizarre dreams, which seemed to play on a loop. She attempted to focus on her vampire abilities, which enabled her to process multiple things at once, the same methods she'd used to keep her thoughts to herself around her Dad. She wasn't entirely sure how it worked but she imagined her brain split in two, with the ability to switch between each half.

It worked, but instead of respite she was met with excruciating pain. It felt like her blood was boiling. Her heart bounced off her ribcage. She'd never felt pain like it.

The memories of what she had tried to do for Quil flooded her head and she began to wonder what those efforts had done to her. Maybe her body couldn't cope with the venom. The pain got so intense she couldn't process anything else, in this pain, her head swam with thoughts of Jacob. He'd be so mad at her. She needed to get back to him, she couldn't let anything keep her away.

She couldn't see anything and she wasn't sure if she tried to call out at all. The pain was too much to bear. So she mustered all of her remaining mental strength to try and put herself back into the dream state she'd just come from.

It took several attempts, but she finally managed it. Instant bliss washed over her in comparison and she soon relaxed, allowing the dreams to take over.

She stayed like that for hours, days, weeks, she wasn't sure. But from time to time she would switch back to the painful side of her mind to see if there was any change. The pain was too severe for her to stay there for any length so she'd quickly switch back.

She didn't know how long she was stuck in limbo for, it felt like forever but also felt like no time had passed at all. It was a very confusing state.

One of the times she switched to the painful side of her brain she was surprised to find the pain had subsided.

More excitingly she realised she was looking at her bedroom ceiling.

She sensed Jacob in the room even though she couldn't see anyone.

Her eyes quickly located him to the left hand side of her bed. He had a worried expression on his face.

He saw her eyes were open and looking at him, his own softened in response, a smile flickered 

on his face.

She started to respond with a smile of her own, but did not manage it before a frown appeared on his face and he looked angrily at her.

"Carlisle!" he shouted, not breaking eye contact with her, making her jump, "One of these days you'll listen to me when I'm trying to protect you," he said to her finally.

She absorbed his words and felt pretty silly lying there for the second time in two weeks.Again she'd gone off thinking she was protecting people but instead helping no-one and only getting herself in trouble in the process.

"Sorry," she muttered in response. Her throat felt dry as she spoke so it came out a little huskily. She noticed Jacob's eyes soften briefly again before they were dragged to the door by the entrance of Carlisle and the rest of Renesmee's family.

Her Mum and Dad came straight over to her and enquired as to how she was doing, whilst Carlisle checked her over. She answered their questions saying that she felt fine, just a little tired and achy.

"I'm not surprised, you've been out of it for days, you had us seriously worried," her Mum replied.

"Wait, I've been out for days? What day is it?" she said, trying to piece everything together, her thoughts all very confused. She grabbed the clock next to her bed, it read 11:58 am but there was no date on it. She looked back to her Mum.

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