Chapter 12: Breaking Free

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Zane's eyes were closed as he enjoyed kissing Alaska. Her lips were so soft and her kisses kept drawing him in so much that he forgot that he couldn't truly be with her because of his past. He felt the sting in his heart as he stopped kissing her and stared at her little face. Her pale skin had a red hue to it and he was sure his face showed the same expression but no matter how much he wanted her he had to let her go because of his blood oath that he signed with Dafiltae to allow him to kill all dragons. He was sure there was no way out of it unless he had eradicated all dragons and since he held the essence of one there was no way out of the oath for him. He shouldn't have kissed her he thought to himself as he walked away from her embrace, but he couldn't help himself, there was an invisible force that kept pulling him to her, one which he could not deny. When she kissed him, he felt empowered, his blood surged, and he felt a sudden change in his body. Alaska was right he thought, she is his mate.

"I should be mad at you, but I can't," he said finally.

She stood before him and stared at him with her blue eyes coldly, "You have no right to be mad at me."

He stared at her in disbelief because her kind was to be blamed. There was no one else he could blame, except her, as they all had died and, only she remained from her generation as he was not a dragon but a human with a dragon's essence.

He took the moment to put on his pants, slightly embarrassed that he was only wearing underpants. He sighed, he made her upset again and for some reason, her cold stare added to his discomfort. He wished he could make her happy but it was becoming harder to resist the urge to rip her heart out and yet he loved her, yes, he loved her despite only meeting her yesterday.

"I'm not sure what you want from me Alaska. You said I am your mate, and I felt the pull, but you must understand the hate I have for your kind. It's not the type of thing that just goes away."

Alaska nodded in understanding and turned him around to face her.

"I get it but try to understand how I feel as well, however, you have to do what you must."

Alice figured that Alaska would've brought the slayer to her room when she discovered that he was no longer in the cell. She wasn't furious but she thought that the slayer still posed a threat no matter how small it was. Jason followed closely behind her as they made their way to Alaska's room. Alice had already grown accustomed to the dragon slayer being Alaska's mate but not everyone was accepting of this fact and Jason was not particularly fond of the idea of keeping the slayer alive. He still saw the slayer as an enemy, an enemy that he would gladly dispose of. He knew the slayer would change eventually but that didn't mean he trusted him. In fact, Jason trusted no one. Alice knocked slowly on Alaska's door before walking in and taking in the scene before her. The slayer sat on the chair and Alaska turned away from him to greet Alice and Jason.

"I figured he would be here when I found that he wasn't in his cell."

"Oh really, I thought Jason would've run to tell you himself."

Jason shrugged, "I'm not sure why you think I'd care Alaska. Who you drool over doesn't concern me. What concerns me is the fact that he is a prisoner and I don't believe I need to remind you that he tried desperately to kill you several times before we apprehended him."

"I'm well aware Jason. No need to remind me."

Zane sighed and got up from the chair, "I understand the distrust and I don't wish to cause further disturbances so if you would please escort me back to my cell."

Jason smirked; he got his way after all but he wasn't satisfied. The slayer being a prisoner risked Alaska's happiness and as cold as he was, he believed that she deserved happiness. In a blink of an eye the slayer was returned to his cell but this time he had no chains. He looked up at Jason with questioning eyes.

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