Chapter 13: The Marked One

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Death gives and death takes away Amalia chanted to herself as she stared in the bathroom mirror. She tried to get past her parents' death and time and time again she thought what was done was right. They deserved to die for selling her because she is different but how could she hate them when they were her parents. A tear slipped down her cheek again and she wiped it away when Isabel came into view.

"Amalia breakfast is ready." She could not even answer Isabel and so she merely nodded and followed behind her.

Tyler sat beside Alice at the breakfast table and stared at the large arrangement of food. He was hungry but not too hungry as he was used to little luxuries in life. He felt somewhat strange just sitting beside her while she ignored the fact that she was his first kiss, but he would never tell her that. He zoned out after that and kept imagining how soft her lips were and how much he wanted to kiss her and caress her body...

"Tyler, are you hearing from me!" Alice shouted at him and Tyler jumped.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" Tyler asked as a blush crept up his cheeks.

"I was saying..."

Malthus cleared his throat, and everyone stopped to stare at him, "so, is no one going to acknowledge the elephant in the room?'

Everyone looked around in the room and Tyler stared into the distance, not paying attention. Alice gave Tyler a little nudge on his side snapping him out of his daze, causing him to speak out a little loudly,

"Where is the elephant?"

Alice chuckled at Tyler's outburst and his face turned bright red from embarrassment. Jason shook his head at Tyler and decided to ignore the young lad because he believed that Amalia's issue needed to be discussed. Malthus cleared his throat again as if he was about to give the most inspirational speech in the world and Alaska's gaze snapped to him,

"Is there something wrong with your throat?"

"As I was saying before I was interrupted," Malthus began, "I have heard stories from my grandfather about humans who possess special abilities, abilities that allow them to control the elements. She shows the potential of being one and it seems that her awakening has started. Amalia is an Elemental."

There was silence in the room as everyone stared at Malthus in disbelief. How could Amalia be an Elemental they thought? Jason picked up Malthus's conversation and continued it to clarify their understanding,

"An elemental in its simplest form is a person who can manage elements of the world. They usually control one of the four elements. Amalia is clearly what they would call the Marked One. They are rare elementals that can control more than one element and they can also create new ones depending on their level of training."

"What is this Marked One? How can I be the Marked One? I don't even know anything about elements." Amalia said sounding confused.

"They usually remain in human societies pretending to blend in, so they do not draw attention to themselves. If their powers are raw and not trained after they are awakened, then they become extremely dangerous. You would not have known that you are one because the person that was likely the Marked One in your family was very skilled and hid their powers well. The power will often choose who it wants every one hundred years so you would not have known. There's also something particularly important that you must know."

Amalia sighed and pushed her plate from the close range it was at, "And what is this, Jason?"

"Your powers are very powerful and large, and you need your power mate to keep you level."

"I'm not sure I follow; you said a power mate? What is that?"

"That is someone who has your essence. This person is your other half and will help you control your powers. You are normally born with two mates, a power mate, and a backup power mate if you will. This can be a human if your power mate dies or rejects you but it is normally someone matching your power or is close to it. Your power will become unstable after a while without him as you both need to train to keep each other balanced. It seems you came from an immensely powerful lineage because I have not heard of your clan in a century. Your clan is the most powerful as seen by the sigil with a crown that you have imprinted on your shoulder. I would like to train you a bit before you go find your other half because you won't be able to find him until he awakens and for that, he must sense you in danger."

Amalia sighed. Her mind was upturned, and she felt suffocated in the room. "I need to think about this Jason, please excuse me."

She got up from the table and went to her room. She laid down on the bed and let the tears fall as she stared into the ceiling. A soft knock on her door made her jump up and wipe away her tears but the sadness was still there. She unlocked the door and was surprised to see Azure standing there. He towered over her petite figure and he stared into her Andromeda eyes seemingly lost in her beauty. He always marveled at how beautiful she looked when he had caught glimpses of her in the past.

"Mind if I come in?" he asked politely.

"I ... umm... sure you can."

She stepped aside and watched him walk in and sit on her bed. He stared at her with his stormy grey eyes then took her hand and sat her beside him. She whimpered and placed her head on his chest, letting the tears fall. He held her while she cried and traced small patterns on her back carefully going over each sigil tattoo that covered her skin. When she finally stopped crying, she looked at him with puffy eyes,

"You know as a child I always struggled to fit in and make sure that I do not stand out too much. My family always loved me dearly and made sure I never wanted anything, but I was always different. I was born with a tattoo of a crown on my shoulder and my parents could never explain it. I was quite different from other kids always talking to supernaturals and I was closer to them than humans. My difference was even more obvious with my weird colored eyes that no one in my family had. I did not even look like them. My mother and father were blonde with straight hair and blue eyes, and I had dark wavy hair. It is just so hard to believe that they would just give me away without a second thought just because I'm different."

The tears had started to fall again and Azure held her once again and brushed her hair. He suddenly felt attached to her as a swarm of emotions filled his body.

"I was always left alone as a child. When I was born my parents took one look at me and they decided that they did not want me. They brought me to a homeless person on the street and left me there in a basket." He smiled at the memory, "It was a nice basket though until it was stolen. I lived on the street all my life until I met Alice. She was filled with so much life and she immediately took a liking to me and demanded that I came home with her. I was shocked, this average height girl that I towered over was bossing me around. I chuckled at her, to be honest, yet here I am ten years later living with her."

"Yes, she can be like that. That is how we met actually; she bumped into me and demanded I became her friend. I was shocked at first but then she grew on me and the rest is history."

"So, we have a commonality it seems and that is Alice," Azure chuckled at his response. "I do believe that you should take Jason's offer. It sounds like a highlight in your life and who knows it might be fun."

"When is anything fun with Jason?" Amalia smiled.

"He just made you smile,"

"No, you did." Amalia smiled and covered the blush on her cheeks. "I will take his offer only because of you and only you."

She kissed his cheeks and then rolled over onto the bed drifting off to sleep. Azure smiled at her sleeping form before covering her up with a sheet and slipping out of the room.

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