Chapter 14: Clearing the Storm

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The day started beautifully with the sun hiding playfully behind the clouds, occasionally showing its wrath to warn anyone against going against his authority. The discoveries that had led to the manor's excitement had died down and everything was slowly going back to normal but normal for some of the inhabitants of the house was similar to that of a normal day in hell. The sea serpent, Aaliyah was miserable because much to her dismay she had a mate that would not acknowledge her. She wanted to be able to wake up to him and smile at him like she had seen Tyler wake up beside Alice that day in the forest. Why couldn't she have that, she thought. She wanted to be able to be held by Gale's strong arms and to feel safe in his embrace, even though she could very well handle herself. She certainly wasn't the daughter of the god of Darkness for nothing and to top it off she had amazing looks so how come Gale wouldn't even look her way. She decided that today she would capture his attention, no matter what. She looked up from her book and glanced in his direction and bit her lips. His dark skin glistened in the sunlight and he wasn't wearing a shirt so he was showing off his muscles that flexed whenever he stretched, man this guy was hot she thought. In Aaliyah's mind, the view of the lake only enhanced her mate's appeal and this only encouraged her fantasies of him. Gale knew she was staring at him, but he chose to ignore her just to avoid the issue that he knew would show its ugly face sooner or later. He knew she was his mate and everything about her drew him in, her fierce nature, daring eyes, strong-willed personality, and her ability to make parts of him weak. If it hadn't been for his strong resolve when he came to the manor, he would have mated with her a long time ago but he chose not to. They were two different creatures and in his mind their union was wrong and he could not partake in it.

Aaliyah licked her lips as she thought of a way to get his attention. She thought maybe if she did a striptease, wait no she thought, that would only mean he was only interested in her body and she didn't want that; so she decided to do a little water trick, and then they would end up in a romantic situation. She used her index finger to lift some water from the lake and formed it into a little ball and levitated it over Gale's head. She held back a laugh as she walked over to him and he looked up at her and then politely smiled. She released the ball of water and it fell on his head, drenching his hair. The water slowly dripped from his hair onto his chest and Aaliyah felt her body immediately heat up but Gale did not find her actions funny. He stood up abruptly and grabbed her shoulders then shook her as he shouted,

"What the hell woman? Have you lost your mind? Have I not told you time and time again to leave me alone?"

Aaliyah bit back the tears as she felt her heart hurt at his harsh words. She grew angry, how dare he shout at her she thought.

"Gale get your fucking hands off me!"

"No. What is the meaning of you wetting me up Aaliyah? Are you that stupid or do you not care?" Gale questioned her becoming even more furious at her childish behavior.

Aaliyah grew annoyed at this man that was supposed to love her, he dares to think he could say these things to her after she tried to get his love. She raised her hand and delivered a hard slap to his cheek that rang throughout the silence of the lake, causing Tyler to run outside to watch the commotion before his eyes. Gale stumbled back in surprise because he never expected her to slap him. Aaliyah's eyes turned dark blue as she walked closer to Gale and her voice sounded smooth yet dangerous,

"You think you can say anything to me and it doesn't hurt, huh Gale? You think because I'm your mate that you can just not acknowledge how I feel and make decisions for us. I got news for you bird boy, you don't make the decisions here."

She stalked closer to him and Gale's wings sprouted from his back as he got into a defensive stance. She held her hand up and water rose from the lake and held Gale's neck as if it was choking him. Gale flapped his wings and rose to the sky then grabbed her and flew high with her,

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