Chapter 16: Tyler's Awakening

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Alice and Tyler walked through the tall grass on their way back. There was silence between the two, but it was comfortable silence as they both thought of the night they had just had. Their marks glistened in the sunlight and birds chirped happily as if they were finally happy that the young couple had cemented their bond the night before.

Ancief had waited all night for the couple and just when he thought they had disappeared he saw them walking. He smirked as he smelt the air which seemed too happy for his liking, but he knew he would ruin it no matter how happy they were. He slowly made his way through the rocks until he was in close range of the couple. Ancief's eyes glazed over into their scarlet color and he stared at Tyler and slowly said the word,


Tyler fell to the ground clutching his chest and moaning in pain. Alice felt his discomfort in waves through the bond and rushed to him trying to find the source of his pain.

"Don't bother trying to help him because you can't," Ancief shouted and Alice turned around to face him.

"How dare you harm him! Let him go." She commanded but Ancief only laughed.

"I'll do much worse to him if you don't come with me and don't even think of trying anything phoenix because I know if he dies you'll have no other mate, phoenixes only have one mate and they mate for life."

Alice sighed because she knew although she could take him, she could not risk him hurting Tyler. There was truth to what Ancief said, if Tyler died, she had no chance of another mate and she could not let that happen. Walking slowly towards Ancief, Alice looked back at Tyler and her face fell, all the power in the world, and she could not protect the one person she was supposed to. Ancief snapped on the ancient-looking iron cuffs onto her hands and Alice winced.

"These won't kill you, but they will stop you from using your power," Ancief smirked at Alice and dragged her away from Tyler who lay on the ground clutching his chest. Ancief started to walk away and Tyler felt a bit of strength in him. He could not let Ancief just take her away from him, he had to do something he thought. He slowly lifted himself from the ground and with one breath he sped towards Ancief from behind and jumped on him knocking the air out of Ancief's lungs. Tyler wasted no time in plunging his fangs into Ancief's neck, viciously sucking the blood from it. The blood sped through Tyler's fangs and he felt it ignite something inside him that he did not know was there. Ancief managed to grab Tyler off him and flung him away from him. Ancief tried to catch his breath as he felt his power diminish and he felt empty. He could barely stand, and he looked up at Tyler who was engulfed in a glowing blue light. Ancief did not want to lose his chance at capturing Alice so he dragged her away even with his power diminishing because he knew that the boy before him was turning into something that not even he could control.

Tyler could not understand what was happening to him. He felt a surge of power that came from the blood in his fangs that spread through his entire being igniting everything. His body was engulfed in a blue light which made his body glow and transform. His eyes changed to scarlet red and his body changed allowing muscles to burst through his feeble skin turning him toned. He felt everything around him, from the changes in the temperature, the taste of the air, and the smell of the smoke from a far-off cabin to hearing the blood pumping through everyone's veins. He slowly floated to the ground feeling reborn and his aura boasted immense power, yet he held a calm exterior. He was calm on the outside but furious on the inside as he felt his bond with Alice increase but she was nowhere to be found. He closed his eyes and tried to listen for her but all he could hear was the panic in the birds chirping as if they shared the pain of him losing his mate. Tyler walked back to the manor slowly as he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Malthus stood at the entrance of the doorway staring into the horizon. He felt a strange stir in the air and suddenly the rain came pouring down viciously. Malthus had never seen the rain react like this and he wondered what was going on. William came up beside him and looked out into the yard which was soaking wet.

"Malthus, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure but this rain looks angry."

"Well, that's pretty obvious. Didn't Alice go out with Tyler last night? I didn't see them come back."

Before Malthus could reply they both felt as if their power was weakening and both gasped for air and held in the pain. Both their eyes became red and it felt like something was sucking out their energy. The other vampires in the house felt the same thing and Jason ran out to see the vampires knocked out on the ground. His power was only affected a bit and his eyes became black as he tried to figure out the source of this disaster. Tyler walked through the door with an aura screaming power, but his face held one of distress. Jason's eyes changed back to their original color and he stared at Tyler from head to toe. His confusion was diminished when he looked at Tyler's scarlet eyes and he nodded in understanding but his anger returned when he found that Alice was nowhere in sight.

"Where is Alice?"

Tyler raised his head and the tears flowed from his eyes as he stared into Jason's pitch-black ones.

"He... he took her."

"Who took her?"

"The man from church... the priest. Jason, what's happening to me?"

Jason smashed a vase that was in close range to him and breathed harshly. He knew the only reason people were after Alice was because of her blood's ability to make people powerful and to bring back the dark god. He looked closely at Tyler and sighed, another awakening and a dangerous one at that. He knew that Tyler had become what the world would grow to fear as much as they feared the god of darkness. Tyler, the young lad that was always zoned out, had become the Vampire King and that is where all hell would break loose.


Alice stared into her capture's eyes intently and did not even shed a tear. Ancief pushed himself off the wall and sat on the chair in front of Alice and smiled at her. He was content that he had caught her for himself, but he was worried about his powers and why he felt so weakened. Alice looked at him up and down and wondered why he looked the way he did.

"I wonder what's the reward in kidnapping me Priest Ancief. You know for the powerful man I normally see at church on Sundays you aren't looking like your normal self."

Ancief immediately stared at her with a sense of anger but he did not move as fast as he normally would.

"Is there something that you'd like to tell me about that mate of yours Alice?" he spoke her name with venom.

Alice thought to herself that Tyler was only an average vampire well a bit weaker than the average, so she was not sure what Ancief meant. Ancief raised himself off the chair and staggered towards his cupboard holding his neck. His neck still bled as if he had been poisoned and he clumsily grabbed some vials and poured some of the liquids into a bowl. He stirred it while he clutched his neck as he felt his power fade away even faster. He tore away his collar and poured the liquid on his neck which sealed the holes and stopped the blood flow. He felt his power slowly returning to him and he stalked over to Alice and stared at her then he grabbed her hair which made Alice wince and held her face up to him.

"Now you're going to tell me how you managed to find the VampireKing."

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