Chapter 1

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I stepped on my own shoelace. "Shit!" I hit the tiled floor and my books went sliding. I laid there for a moment and laughed. "I'm so graceful." I muttered into the floor.

"Ah, my graceful swam has nose dived again." A pair of white Converse appeared in front of me.

I grinned up at my best friend, Myla, who was shaking her head. Her white-blonde hair was twisted in a bun today. "Oh hi. The floor is very clean today."

Myla rolled her blue eyes. "And the janitor probably doesn't appreciate you getting it filthy again." She offered her hand down to me.

With her help, I got to my feet, and grabbed my two textbooks that took a journey down the hall.

"You're a savior, Myla. What would I ever do without you?" I teased as we moved down the hallway. I hardly noticed all the stares I was getting from my beautiful fall.

"Live on the floor for the rest of your days." Myla teased back, hooking her arm through mine. "Really, Alyssa, learn to tie a shoe."

I wrinkled my nose. "That takes extra energy I'm not willing to spend." I wiggled my foot, shaking the loose laces. "It's my new style. Like it?"

Myla snorted. "Yes, it's wonderful. We haven't even gone to our first class, and you're already being... weird."

I grinned. "As I like to be. Weird is all I've got."

Myla laughed.

We strolled down the science hall and she waved bye as she disappeared into the chemistry lab.

I was so glad my first class was poetry. The teacher slept through that class, so everyone else did too. But today, I was feeling particularly hungry. I made my way through the school until I found Jerry, one of the janitors at the school.

He was a short man with a balding, white head and a pudgy face. His wire glasses looked ancient.

"Hey, Jerry." I greeted cheerily. "These floors are looking good, I must say."

He raised a bushy eyebrow. "I'm not going to even ask."

I chuckled. "Hey, I need something." I pulled out a five dollar bill and wiggled my eyebrows. "This is yours if you get me those yummy brownies from the teacher's lounge."

Jerry sighed as he took the money. "How many?"

"Three. You're the best. I'll be on a bench in the commons." I walked the other way as Jerry mumbled something under his breath.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class and I smiled with content. The halls were empty.

I set my books on the floor by the lockers and kicked my black shoes off. I ran forward a bit and then slid down the hall. I twisted around and slid again once I came to a stop.

"Alyssa Crane is loose again, I see." A voice behind me sighed.

I stopped to see principal Rosen. He was a tall guy with black hair that was rapidly turning grey. He looked very tired.

I smiled. "I'm not being noisy this time."

He gave me a flat stare. "Alyssa, get to class."

I saluted. "Yes sir."

He walked past me. "I know that sarcasm." He disappeared around the corner.

I stuck my tongue out in his direction. He was annoying, but I was ninety nine percent sure he was too scared to actually do anything about my behavior habits. So I obviously wasn't going to class. Not until I had my brownies, anyway.

I slid around like a five year old for a few more minutes and then made my way down to the commons. I sat at one of the green benches and pulled out my little blue bouncy ball.

I threw it at the wall and caught it when it bounced back. I repeated that until Jerry delivered my brownies. Then I ate the food and laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

It wasn't long until I got the urge to prank someone. I hadn't pulled a prank in at least a month.

With a devious grin, I shot to my feet and made my way to the football coach's office. He always had tons of whipped cream in his mini fridge. I had no clue why.

He wasn't in his office, thank goodness, so I grabbed three cans of the spray on whipped cream. At the last second I grabbed the spray cheese as well.

I hummed a random tune as I strolled out to the parking lot. I immediately spotted my target: Brandon Silver's fancy blue BMW. The jerk could use a good prank to knock down his ego a few notches.

Once I reached the car I began spraying whipped cream all over his windshield, covering every inch. With the spray cheese I wrote 'Lots of love from a ray of sunshine, you dick wipe' on the hood.

I smiled down at my work. Maybe it was a jerk move to do this, but Brandon was the nastiest piece of garbage in the state. He treated everyone much worse, so I thought he could use this as a lesson.

As a final touch I made a smiley face with the cheese spray. There. That would thrill Brandon to no end.


Well this story literally came out of nowhere. It just popped into my brain and I just got to writing it ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
These first two chapters will be short, mostly to introduce the main characters, so it may be slightly boring at first.

I'd like to hear any thoughts on this 😁. Thanks for reading!

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