Chapter 13

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I was going to lose my mind. Kaden was late picking me up, and I would have no time to walk to school. I didn't want to waste that energy either.

I looked out the window again. Still no Kaden.

"What are you doing?" Mom grumbled from behind me.

I jumped. She was passed out just a second ago. "What? Oh, I'm waiting for my friend to get me."

"I don't care." She stumbled to her feet and staggered into the kitchen.

I ignored the feeling of my heart sinking. I had heard that so many times over the years: "I don't care."

"Mom, I made a new friend, her name is Myla."

"I don't care."

"Mom, I got an A on my math test!"

"I don't care."

"Mom, I'm hurting all the time."

"I don't care."

"Mom, I don't want to live anymore."

"I don't care."

For years it was the same thing, no matter what. Even when I needed her the most.

A horn blaring outside made me jump out of my thoughts. Finally.

I grabbed my back pack and basically flew out the door to Kaden's awaiting car. I dropped into the passenger seat. "You're late."

Kaden shrugged. "Sorry, Shorty. You seemed extremely eager to get to school, why is that?"

"Because you're later than a crippled grandmother waddling up a flight of stairs!"

Kaden chuckled as he put the car in reverse and backed onto the road. "That was a lovely metaphor. But you can relax. I got a hold of principal Rosen, we're meeting with him."

"Really? But why?"

"You were attacked on school grounds, Shorty. We need to talk to him. Brandon won't skate by on my watch."

"Oh. Thank you."

"You've given me enough thank you's to last me three lifetimes. But you're welcome. You can relax now, okay?" His blue eyes landed on me.

Why were his eyes deadly for my heart?

"Okay." I finally muttered, looking out the window. "Wait, if we're talking to Rosen, Brandon shouldn't be a problem. Does that mean you won't train me?"

Kaden's jaw clenched. "That isn't a guarantee. The cameras don't reach the spot you were attacked for one thing. For another, I'm the only witness, and Rosen doesn't trust me in the least."

I shook my head. "And Brandon is the favorite as well. I forgot about that." I pointed at my lip. "Well this is evidence, right?"

"We'll see how things turn out."

We pulled into the school parking lot and I was very much disappointed to see Brandon's car.

Now I was nervous as we walked into the school. My head still hurt thanks to Brandon, and I had a nightmare I didn't want to think about last night.

Kaden seemed to notice my discomfort. His hand landed on my shoulder. "It's okay, Shorty. But we can leave if you want."

"No, I'm fine. Besides, I can't let Brandon get the best of me. I can't give the dirt bag the satisfaction of knocking me off balance."

Kaden's mouth quirked up. "Good. Just let me know, okay?"

"Will do." I gave a tiny salute.

My mood dropped again when we entered the principal's office. Brandon was sitting in front of Mr. Rosen's desk. My heart kicked up uncomfortably when he looked at me with a sneer.

Kaden stepped in front of me. "What are you doing here?"

Rosen got to his feet. "Brandon here has told me that you and Miss Crane are lying about this attack just to get him off the football team."

"Why would we lie?" I moved around Kaden. "He would have seriously hurt me if Kaden didn't step in. Are you really going to believe one guy over us?" I was getting angry. "Are you really that type of man?! It's bull crap!"

"Alyssa." Kaden touched my arm, almost instantly cooling me down, just enough. "I couldn't care less about Silver's little football career, Mr. Rosen. But I do care about Alyssa's safety. He attacked her on school grounds, I don't want it to happen again."

He was much calmer than I was. Outwardly, anyway. But I could see the tension in his jaw and the spark of anger in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wolfe. Miss Crane. Unless I see some hard evidence, I cannot believe either side of the story."

Was he serious?! "What? Why would I fake this? I'm a prankster, not a liar."

Kaden pulled me back. "Come on, Alyssa, let's go. Silver probably paid him off." He led me out of the office.

Brandon wasn't far behind. "You ladies really chose the wrong person to have as an enemy." He said with an arrogant smirk.

Kaden immediately positioned himself between Brandon and I and ushered me to walk faster with a gentle push on my elbow.

"Oh, so you hired Wolfe to be your bodyguard. I see how it is, little Crane." Brandon reached toward me.

Kaden suddenly grabbed the front of Brandon's shirt and shoved him into the wall. "Touch her again, and you'll answer to me. Understand?"

Brandon gulped. "Oh, I'm so scared." He tried sarcastically. But he actually sounded scared.

"Try me." Kaden dropped him and set his hand on my back. "Come on, Alyssa."

I was definitely glad I wasn't on Kaden's bad side.


Woo! Another chapter. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts! I would also take any advice 😁.
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