Chpt 13: New Villain Discussions While Plagg Eats All the Cheese.

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Marinette and Adrien were sitting on a mat across from Master Fu recounting all that had happened today. Wayzz, Plagg, and Tikki had joined them having tea, cheese, and cookies and adding their thoughts to the conversation.

"I do not think that I have . . ." Master Fu was interrupted when both Marinette's and Adrien's phones started ringing. They pulled out their phones and looked at the screens. Alya and Nino were calling, probably to check on them since they both totally ditched their friends earlier when the villain showed up. For different reasons, admittedly.  They looked over at Master Fu, silently inquiring as to whether they should answer. He gave them a slight nod and they both answered their phones, turning away from each other so they could hear.

"Hi, Alya, everything okay?" answered Marinette and then listened to Alya's response. "No, that's fine. Talk to you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, Nino, I'm fine," said Adrien. Nino talked for some time before Adrien replied "Really? Wow, okay. Sure. Tomorrow!"

They both hung up their phones and returned their attention to Master Fu, who continued where he left off.

"As I was saying, I do not think that I have heard of any such villain. Your thought that he might come from the future seems highly likely. You will need to be extremely careful as it seems that this villain knows a lot about you and also much about the supervillains that you have previously fought." Master Fu went silent, contemplating the situation.

"Maybe we should study up on our past supervillain encounters?" said Marinette suddenly, interrupting the silence. "That way, more of the details will be fresh in our minds. We could contact Alya about it- she certainly knows a lot about all of the supervillains!"

"I have a question, though," said Adrien. "Should we be trying to change what happened in the past or repeat it? I mean, what does this villain want by repeating our past fights? Would we be giving him what he wants by doing the same things again?"  Adrien looked from Marinette to Master Fu, hoping one of them would know the answers to his questions.

They all quietly thought about that for a few moments before Wayzz spoke.

"According to all that you said, it appears that the villain is attempting to accurately repeat what happened in the past. I would think that it would be most probable that he wants everything to occur exactly as it did and if you both try to avoid doing what you did previously, you would be thwarting his plans. However, that is just a hypothesis," added Wayzz quickly.

"It seems obvious to me that the guy is after your Miraculous, just like every villain. Pretty simple- just don't let him get them!" said Plagg, gulping down the last piece of cheese from the tray. "Do you have any more of that triple créme cheese with the brandy soaked raisins? That was the most delicious cheese dessert I've ever had!" Plagg licked his lips and looked over at Master Fu.

"Actually, Tikki brought that one," said Master Fu, distracted by what Wayzz had said. "You will have to ask her."

Plagg looked over at Tikki in surprise. "Is there more of that, Sugar Cube?"

"No, that was it and you were supposed to share!" she huffed at him.

Plagg actually looked a little ashamed. "Sorry, I didn't know," he mumbled to her.

"Anyway, to respond to Plagg's non-cheese comment, I think the more we try to understand the villain the more likely we can keep our Miraculous safe and maybe keep the villain from coming back. So maybe we should talk to Alya and then try to think up ways to change things up if we meet a familiar supervillain again," said Marinette, trying to get the discussion back on course after Plagg interrupted.

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now