Chpt 34: Illusions.

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"I'm so glad Master Fu let us borrow this to use," said Adrien, glancing over at Marinette's purse which now contained the Fox Miraculous. 

"And, that he didn't ask for you to return Plagg," said Marinette as they walked toward home after visiting Master Fu and explaining everything about how they thought Marinette's parents suspected Adrien was Cat Noir.

"Yes, of course that!  That more than anything!  And, Wayzz's idea for how we should use it is a bit more simple than either of our plans.  Not involving any supervillains is definitely the way to go!" he said, relieved that the plan would now be more straight forward.

"We still have to decide how you are supposed to be witnessing all of this and then getting my parents outside to see it with you," Marinette said, feeling a little stupid that she hadn't really thought of the complications involved with having an illusion Cat Noir fighting an illusion supervillain until Wayzz mentioned it. Of course people would want to know where this supervillain came from and whether they were in danger.  So much more simple to have illusion Cat Noir rescue illusion Marinette from something more mundane, like when he had really saved her from being hit by that motorcycle.

"I hope this solves the parent problem. I would feel a lot better if I didn't think they were watching me so closely," said Adrien.  He was starting to feel exhausted by constantly monitoring what he said around them.

"And, maybe they won't prevent me from trying to leave with you to fight a supervillain," she added, still annoyed by that.

Adrien leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek in support as they kept walking.

"So . . ." said Marinette, interested in changing the subject, "Do you have any plans on Saturday that I should know about?"

Adrien looked over at her and she cast him a quick glance before looking down at the ground. "No, is something going on that I should know about?" he asked casually, when he was actually very excited to finally get to know what Marinette had been planning for them.

"Nothing that you should know about, no. But, you might want to keep Saturday free," she replied.  "Just in case something comes up."

"Hmm . . ." said Adrien, his mind starting to whirl with possible dates that Marinette might have planned.

They walked the rest of the way home, both lost in their thoughts.  Adrien opened the door to the bakery and held it for Marinette. He followed behind her and was suddenly overwhelmed by the scent of the delicious baked goods. His stomach started to growl.

"Already?" Marinette said as she looked back at him in disbelief as she headed behind the counter. They had just eaten some snacks at Master Fu's after all!

Adrien blushed. "I can't help it! Everything in here is so good and my stomach knows that!"

Marinette came over to her mom and kissed her on the cheek. Sabine silently handed Marinette a plate with a few cookies on it, sharing an amused smile with her daughter.

"Thanks, Mom!" she said as she took the plate and headed toward the stairs.

Adrien followed Marinette, thanking Sabine sheepishly as he went by.

"You're welcome, Adrien," said Sabine with a twinkle in her eye. They definitely went through a lot more food with a boy in the house! She'd even started making an extra batch of cookies each day!

They headed up to Marinette's room and then out onto the rooftop where Marinette set the plate of cookies down on the small table. She looked down at the street, contemplating just how to do the necessary illusion needed to make sure her parents no longer thought Adrien was Cat Noir.

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now