Chpt 14: Nathalie Will Be Helpful Now, Right?

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"So, I need to do this, right?" Adrien asked Marinette, turning his head toward her looking to her for confirmation.  He was feeling nervous and jittery, having no idea what to expect inside the house, but he was trying to keep his emotions from showing.

Marinette nodded.  "Yes, I think you really do.  For a number of reasons, which you already know.  I wish I could go with you to support you like I did last time.  But, I'll wait right here for you, if you want." She studied his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking, but he had put on his "emotions under control face."  The one that Adrien always tried to use around his father.  That way, his father couldn't use Adrien's emotions against him.

They stood outside the gates of Adrien's house and both turned to look up at the imposing building.  Marinette took his hand and gave it a squeeze of encouragement.

"You don't have to wait, Marinette.  I can let you know when I'm done.  I don't know how long this will take."

"Okay, if you're sure," she replied, searching his eyes to see if he really meant it. 

"Yes," Adrien said, trying to sound more certain than he felt.  He reached out and pushed the intercom button and a few seconds later the gate opened.

"Cross your fingers that I learn something helpful- that this will be worthwhile," he said, releasing her hand and heading toward the door.

Marinette watched him go until he entered the house and the door shut behind him.  Tikki poked her head out of the purse to see how Marinette was doing.

"Adrien will be okay.  I'm sure of it!  And Plagg is there to help if he needs it.  Which I'm sure he won't need, though," added Tikki quickly, not wanting Marinette to worry more than she already was.

Marinette nodded and headed to the café down the street.  She was going to stay close.  Just in case.

- - -

Adrien stood in the entryway to his house, uncertain as to exactly what he wanted to do.  Gorilla, his part-time bodyguard, had let him in and he now stood looking down at Adrien.

"Is my father here?" Adrien asked him, angling his head up to look at the very tall man.

Gorilla nodded and indicated Gabriel's office with a slight tilt of his head.

"Nathalie, too?" 

Gorilla frowned and paused before nodding again and tilting his head up.

"In her room?"

Gorilla gave a curt nod.

"I'm going to see her first.  Please don't tell my father I'm here yet- unless he asks you, that is."

Gorilla gave him the tiniest hint of a smile, which was pretty much the most emotion Adrien had ever seen on his big bodyguard's normally neutral face.

Adrien headed straight up the stairs and took a left towards Nathalie's room.  He technically knew where her room was but he'd never been in it before.

He stopped before a door that was identical to all of the others in the house- black, with an art-deco silver half sun across the whole panel.  He raised his hand to knock, but stopped right before his knuckles made contact.  Adrien left his hand there and took a few breaths to calm himself and then gave two sharp knocks on the door.

A weak voice called "Yes?" from inside.

Adrien pushed open the door to Nathalie's room.  The lighting was dim, making it difficult for Adrien to see where Nathalie was.

"Nathalie?  It's me, Adrien.  Can I come in?"  He held his breath, partly in anticipation of being told 'no' and partly because she had spoken so softly he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hear her if he was breathing.  He strained his ears for a response.

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now