Chpt 27: Knowledge is Power. Or Maybe Just Gives Really Good Rewards?

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"So, where exactly are we going?" asked Marinette a few minutes later, reluctantly pulling back from their kissing.

Adrien had to focus his mind back on what she said as his brain was still fuzzy from her kisses.

"Um . . . oh, right," said Adrien, looking around at where they were now.

Marinette snorted quietly in amusement, happy that her kisses were as much of a distraction for him as they were for her.

"We're on a small tour of the city that will end up at the Parc du Champ de Mars," he said. "First up is the Place de la Concorde. I set it up so we can get out briefly at each place."

Adrien leaned over and whispered "Maybe Tikki can invite Plagg into her purse so he can come along as I . . . ," Adrien abruptly stopped what he was saying and gasped, realizing what he just said. "Oh, no! I left him in the bag!" Adrien exclaimed, frantically opening the bag to look inside.

"Plagg!" Adrien hissed at him. "Don't tell me you did what I think you did!"

The kwami looked up at him from the bag, clearly offended by Adrien's accusation. Marinette had no idea what was going on and leaned over to try to see.

"Of course I didn't! Well, not mostly. You can't expect me to sit in here and not sample some things! They are so tasty and I was bored. But see, there is still plenty left!" Plagg said, gesturing to the treats that Adrien had made to share with Marinette.

Adrien sighed in relief. He looked more closely at the contents of the bag. Plagg had eaten most of the cookies, but the little tarts and chocolate dipped strawberries were still there.

"Why is Plagg in there anyway?" whispered Marinette.

"Because this shirt doesn't have a pocket for him. I guess this is what happens when I try to change up my outfit!" he said, still annoyed that Plagg had eaten most of the cookies. He had worked really hard to make those!

Marinette leaned down and opened up her purse, exchanging a look with Tikki. "Plagg," called Tikki, who had been listening to the conversation and knew what Marinette was silently asking, "I have some cheese crackers in here!"

Plagg stuck his head out of the bag, saw the purse and the cheese cracker that Tikki held up, and quickly flew in.

Marinette and Tikki shared a smile. Plagg could always be relied upon to follow his stomach!

"So major disaster averted anyway, I think, right? And you made me things? That is so sweet!" she said to him. "You've really thought of everything!"

"Except that I left Plagg in there and he ate most of the cookies!" Adrien said crossly, mostly upset with himself. He told himself he would only leave Plagg in there until they got in the rickshaw, but he was so excited to give Marinette her present he totally forgot about Plagg.

Marinette took his hand, determined to change to subject. "So, where else are we going?" she asked him.

"We're stopping at some places along the Champs-Élysée including the Arc de Triomphe and then onto the Trocadero Gardens and the Eiffel Tower. I know we see these things all the time but since other things are always happening when we're there, I don't think we really get to appreciate them. That was my thought anyway." He looked over at her to see if she approved.

"That's a good idea!" she said, smiling.

"And, I even did some research so I could act like an informative tour guide and give you an interesting fact at each one that maybe you don't know," he said proudly.

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now