Chpt 20: Cat Noir, Pigeon Trainer Extraordinaire!

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When Ladybug arrived at the Grand Palais she found Cat Noir up in the rafters doing his best to keep his distance from the hundreds of pigeons in the building.

"M'Lady," he greeted her as she landed beside him on the rafter.  He figured he probably shouldn't ask her what happened after her parents encouraged him to leave.  Better save that for later! I don't want her to get distracted!

"Hey, Kitty, so what's the story with this guy today?" she asked him as she took in what looked to be an unexpectedly quiet scene. It seemed that the villain hadn't even bothered to capture anyone. What is this guy's motivation? He hardly even seems to be trying!  And why does he think we'll even bother with him if he's not doing anything?

"Nothing has been happening at all. It's really weird. The guy looks a lot like Mr. Pigeon and there are a lot of pigeons near him.  And, I'm pretty sure he saw me up here, but he hasn't sent any of the pigeons after me! I'm not really complaining, my nose appreciates it, but really? Does no one think I'm worth fighting on my own? They have to wait for you to show up first?" Cat complained.

Ladybug managed to just keep from laughing at his complaining, figuring he would not appreciate that at all.  "He also seems to have noticed me and he still hasn't attacked. Feel any better?" she asked, looking over at him.

Cat Noir humphed. "I guess. So, should we do something then?"

Ladybug was just about to reply when Cat interrupted her with "You know, I was wondering if we'll ever get a black lucky charm again.  We never really talked to Master Fu about how that could have happened. Wouldn't it be great if I could sometimes use your power, too? That I could ask for something?"  He looked over at her for confirmation.

Ladybug grunted at him, not at all agreeing that it would be great if he could use her power. "Well, anyway," she said avoiding directly answering his first question, "we've talked about this before. The lucky charm doesn't work that way. You don't just ask and get what you want. That's how I always get these things that require complicated plans- they aren't what I would choose either!"

"But, what if it did?  Like, today I could ask for my own bird training whistle, which would be perfect for me to use as I actually have practiced a bit with one," he said. "I'm quite good, if I do say so myself!" Cat grinned cockily, pretending to polish the nails of one hand on the front of his suit.

"Isn't that what Mr. Pigeon is supposed to have, too.  Why would that help?  And, why would you want to train the animals you are allergic to?" Ladybug asked only half listening to Cat while going through what happened the last time with Mr. Pigeon in her head, so she didn't repeat anything this time.  She figured it could be awhile before Cat dropped this line of thought.  Or until the villain did anything.  He was still just looking over at them from where he stood on a high metal walkway.

"To keep the birds far away from me, that's why!"  Cat Noir thought that should be completely obvious.  "And, yes, I know he's also supposed to have a whistle.  But, I think I'm better.  We could have a 'whistle-off' and see who the pigeons listen to.  I'm betting it would be me!  But, it's all moot unless I get my whistle."  He looked over at her with puppy dog eyes, just like a little kid asking his mom to buy him the toy he's always wanted.

Ladybug gave the slightest smile which then disappeared when Cat said "So, why don't you find out what unexpected item is going to bring this guy down today. Perhaps you'll get a spoon or a rubber duck." 

"Mean!" she said to him, not exactly joking, before he added "Hopefully not the coin for the vending machine popcorn like last time, since we're hoping to change things up."  He paused a moment before dramatically whispering "whistle!"

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