Chpt 39: Not the End.

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Marinette and Adrien were slowly walking toward school.  They were actually running early but weren't interested in arriving too early to school, so they took the opportunity to stroll hand in hand and chat, which they rarely had time to do in the morning.  Marinette was just not normally a morning person, but she woke up early today, a million thoughts about the villain running through her head.

"I wonder if we'll ever be able to find this villain, now that he's hiding out in the city, presumably looking like any other person," Marinette said quietly, so no one else could overhear what they were saying. Near the end of their search for the villain the night before, they had talked to a number of people who had seen the villain when the suit had run out of power.  So, at least they knew that the villain was still in their time and didn't return to wherever . . . well, whenever . . . he lived.  She would hate to waste time looking for someone who was no longer here!

Adrien had also been up a lot last night thinking about things. His thoughts involved his revelations when he was 'fraidy cat and his determination to take more control of his life.  He was a little ashamed to admit that he hadn't thought at all about the villain, leaving that to Marinette to worry about.

"I can't believe that the villain won't try his best to still get our Miraculouses and get back to his own time.  He'll show up.  I'm sure of it. But it will be in his own time."  Adrien laughed at his own joke.  Marinette punched him in the arm.  He didn't even pretend that it hurt today, figuring he deserved it for leaving her to do all of the thinking about the new villain.  He suddenly remembered her injuries from yesterday.  Adrien stopped walking and turned her around to face him, looking for any evidence of an injury.

Marinette looked up at him, a question in her eyes.  "What is it?" she asked him.

Adrien gently caressed the cheek that had taken the punch and then cupped his hand around the back of her head, checking for the bump.  He was glad that she didn't seem to be bothered by either of those injuries today.

"No permanent damage, then?" he asked her, still leaving his hand on the back of her head.  She moved closer to him, noticing the concern in his eyes.

"No, which I am very glad about.  I would have probably needed you to come up with a convincing lie as to what happened to me otherwise.  We both know I would have just botched that if it were left to me.  Probably say I fell out of bed and hit my face on the floor or something!"  She rolled her eyes at herself.  She had absolutely no talent for lying, which maybe wasn't the worst thing, but certainly not helping her in her current line of work.

He chuckled and leaned down for a kiss.  They were interrupted by a small commotion at the corner of the block.  They broke apart and turned their heads to see Lila arguing with a young, dark-haired woman. 

Lila threw her arms in the air and loudly yelled "I don't believe you!"

The young woman started to gesticulate and then pulled something out of her pocket to show Lila, who backed up upon seeing it, shaking her head.

"As much as I hate saying this, but, should we help her?" asked Marinette, wondering what was going on.  The woman was definitely too old to be a high school student.  Who is she?  And what does she want with Lila?

"Not yet," said Adrien, not thinking it was necessary.  Lila was generally quite capable of taking care of herself.  "The woman doesn't seem to be threatening her but we can keep watching until the woman leaves to make sure Lila's okay."

Lila walked closer to the woman and took whatever the woman offered in her hand.  She then appeared to listen carefully to what the woman was saying.  Unfortunately, neither Marinette nor Adrien could hear any of the conversation as they were too far away.

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now