Chpt 31: Alya Unexpectedly Takes a Trip and Learns Something.

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"No, you don't need to wait for me. Just go. I'll meet you there once I finish printing these pages out," said Alya to Nino, as she frowned at the paper jam alert on the printer. She'd meant to do this earlier, once she realized that she wasn't sure how to send an electronic copy of her 'villain report' to Ladybug, but she forgot and now, of course, the printer was misbehaving.

"Tell her I'm sorry and I'll be there soon, okay? Thanks, Nino!  Bye!" She hung up the phone.

Alya opened up the paper tray to see what the problem was. Ugh! I should have guessed my sisters would be involved! she said to herself as she pulled out the toys that were stuffed in the tray.

"Ella! Etta!" The girls looked over at her from where they were playing. "What are these toys doing in here? I told you not to put anything in here again!" Alya started pulling the action figures out and setting them on the floor.

Ella ran over and started to pick them up. "But, they were camping out in the snow cave!" she cried.

"No they are not! Keep them out of here! Now I am going in a few minutes and remember, Nora is here if you need her." She pulled out the last of the toys and started successfully printing the pages. When the printer stopped, she gathered the pages together and put them in an envelope.

"Okay, girls, see you in a bit!" Alya said as she headed out the door. She was just leaving the building when she got a text from Ladybug.

It said "Could you meet me by the carousel at the park?"

Alya furrowed her brow at that, wondering why, but replied "Sure. See you in a few minutes!"

She raced to the park and headed toward the carousel. It was quiet as the carousel wasn't open at the moment. She looked around for Ladybug, but didn't see her anywhere. "That's weird, maybe I should ask Nino what's going on?" she said to herself.

Alya sent off the message.

Nino's phone dinged the notification. He brought it out of his pocket to read it. "Um, guys, I think something is wrong, unless you sent a message to Alya to meet her by the carousel?" he asked Ladybug.

They all looked at each other and started off at a run from their spot in the hidden part of the park. Nino was desperately trying to text her back as he was running.

"Alya get out of there!" he messaged.

The phone dinged and Alya brought the message up. "What?" she said, right as a portal opened next to her and a hand reached out and pulled her in.

Ladybug and Cat Noir were about one-hundred feet away when they saw it happen. "Noooo!" cried Ladybug as she raced even faster toward the portal. But before she was even halfway there, the portal closed, with Alya gone.

They stopped at the spot where Alya had been, looking at each other, unsure what to do. Nino had just made it to the area and came up to Ladybug and Cat. "Where is she?" he asked between gasps for breath, looking around for her.

"Nino, we . . ." Ladybug began, but couldn't make herself say it. She looked to Cat, silently pleading for help.

"A portal opened up and she was . . . pulled in. It closed before we got here. I'm so, so sorry Nino!" Cat Noir said.  Cat watched the emotions on Nino's face change from confusion to heartbreak as Nino processed what he said.

"What?! No! That can't be!" he said, slumping down to the ground and starting to sob. "She can't be gone!"

Ladybug quickly came over, sat beside him, and put her arms around him, holding him tight. "We'll figure out a way to get her back. I promise!"

"Faceless Future" Book 2 of "Secrets Unraveled" Trilogy |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now