Chpt 24: Alya, Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Nino All Talk, but Not Together.

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"So, we could use your help putting together a list of all of the past supervillains and any other information you have about what happened when we fought them," said Ladybug to Alya, finishing up what she planned to tell her.  "If you heard about where the fight occurred, what my lucky charm was, what villain might be the easiest to become if he's relying on technology to power his suit and abilities, anything else.  It could be really helpful!"

"Okay, so you're hoping to use this information so you don't repeat what happened before because you think the villain wants to replicate the past fights for some reason?  Is that right?" Alya asked her.  Alya was starting to get tired of sitting on the bench in the hidden park where they'd met to discuss all of this.  She stood up and turned to face Ladybug.

"Yes.  That is what we are currently thinking, but we are open to other ideas.  We can't exactly figure out what this guy's plan is," said Ladybug looking up at Alya.  "Any other questions?"

She shook her head. "No questions, but I have something I want to say.  I wanted to apologize for poking you about your relationship with Cat Noir the other day.  I thought it was okay to bring up since you guys made it public when you kissed in front of a crowd.  Did something happen?  Are you not together anymore?" Alya asked, trying to read Ladybug's expression.

Ladybug thought about what she wanted to say.  She wanted to tell Alya as much of the truth as she could.  "We're still together, but it's complicated.  Part of it is that the focus on our possible romantic relationship distracts from our ability to do our jobs, so we've decided we just wanted the public to go back to viewing us as Paris' protectors."

Alya gave her a dubious look.  Ladybug knew what she meant.  "Yes, Cat Noir had no problems flaunting our relationship for all of the world to see and he would be happy to put it out there, but I don't want people focusing on that.  It really shouldn't be that important to anyone but us.  If we are invited to an interview by Nadja Chamack I want our work to be what we talk about, not our relationship.  That is not why we were given these Miraculouses," said Ladybug crisply.

"I get that, but, people want to feel a connection to you guys.  And one way to do that is by inviting us all in to a tiny sliver of your life.  We all know so little about you but we also all trust both of you implicitly.  You should sort of feel honored.  The interest in your 'LadyNoir' relationship," Alya noticed Ladybug cringe slightly at the name, "is because we are all rooting for you to find happiness!  And what better way is there for a superhero to find happiness than with another superhero who knows all the challenges that that kind of life brings!"

Ladybug nodded in understanding.  "I'll think about what you've said.  But, for the moment I am standing by what I publicly said: Cat Noir and I are not in a relationship.  You will be the first to know if I change my mind."

Alya nodded her understanding.  "I won't say anything, but it won't mean that I won't post updates and hopes on my blog, though," she warned.

"Fair enough," Ladybug responded with a smile.  "Bug out!"

- - -

Nino eyed Cat Noir a little nervously, wondering why he wanted to talk to him. Did he learn his secret identity?

"So, Cat Noir, um, is there something you need?" Nino asked him cautiously, looking over at where Cat Noir lounged against the railing on the roof of the tall building he'd brought them up to.

"Actually, I had been looking for Max, but I couldn't find him and then when I saw you walking down the street, I thought maybe you could help me," said Cat Noir, walking over to Nino who stood in the center of the roof, far away from the edges.

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