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— Hajime's P.O.V:

I don't know how, but communicating with that guy this morning was really nice. He just seems cool. I wonder how he even knows how to speak English though, hell even I'm a little rusty with my English still and I've been living in America for two years now! Maybe I should ask him about it later, maybe he's Google Translating it or something, I have no clue. But he's cool to talk to.

That's all that was on my mind until lunch, I have lunch around 12:15, which meant it was around 8:15 for this guy. He would most likely be awake.

You, 12:17 P.M.: Hey how's it going? I'm at lunch so I'm not breaking the rules in class

Nagito Komaeda, 12:18 P.M.: Glad to hear you aren't breaking the rules.

You, 12:18 P.M.: Hey, me too lol

I should probably start calling this guy Nagito instead of just calling him guy.

You, 12:19 P.M.: Anyways, I have a question or two I wanna ask.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:19 P.M.: Shoot

You, 12:20 P.M.: How are you replying in English? Hell I've been living here for 2 years and my English is still a bit rusty.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:21 P.M.: I was taught English at a young age by one of my friends' parents. Well, really ex friends' parents but I'm not gonna get into that.

You, 12:21 P.M.: Makes sense. What about how old you are?

Nagito Komaeda, 12:22 P.M.: 17, going on 18 in April. You can always check my profile if you wanna learn more personal information.

You, 12:23 P.M.: But wouldn't that be like stalking your profile?

Nagito Komaeda, 12:23 P.M.: I don't mind. But, I do have a question for you.

You, 12:24 P.M.: Well, fire it at me.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:25 P.M.: Are you struggling with anything? Because based on your captions and stuff, I get the message that you're struggling. We might've just met hours ago, but I'm always here if you wanna talk.

I couldn't keep myself from smiling. However, it sucked because the first friends I ever really made while in America was thousands of miles away, where I used to be. But, he was a good guy, and he could read me easily I'll give him that.

But should I really tell him I'm struggling? I mean, it feels kind of weird just talking to someone about this. But if it was my mom, I would have no problem telling her about all of this.

Maybe I should give this dude a try though, maybe he's struggling too and we can help each other out, at least have one of our similarities be that we're both struggling.

You, 12:28 P.M: Yeah, I guess you could say that. I'm basically a nobody in my school. Everyone else just seems so perfect, while I'm nothing. Hell even the teachers think of me as nothing, I'm not skilled whatsoever, unlike everyone else. Even my sister and parents are skilled, but me? I'm nothing, I'm a nobody.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:30 P.M.: I get what your saying, I attend a school where it's all based on talent. I don't think I'm as great compared to my classmates, they're all talented. For example, one of them is a really good mechanic, while another is a fucking yakuza. But me? Luck, that's mine. It's not even a talent, most of my luck is bad luck anyways so I don't really deserve to be here in this building with all these talented people. I'm just a piece of garbage compared to them.

You, 12:31 P.M.: So you attend Hopes Peak?

God, that was a stupid question to ask. Bad timing, I could've asked it later. I could've helped this guy, after all I was correct about both of us struggling, but all I did was ask if he attending that prestigious school? Bad timing, bad move.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:32 P.M.: Yeah, I do

You, 12:33 P.M.: Oh, cool!

Nagito Komaeda, 12:34 P.M.: You don't have to worry about asking any questions you think are "weird" or "uncalled for". I honestly don't mind answering them.

Damn, this guy could read me like a book.

Maybe I should tell him that.

You, 12:35 P.M.: Damn Nagito, you sure do read me like a book.

You, 12:35 P.M.: Or unless you want me to call you Komaeda.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:36 P.M.: Nagito is fine lol, you want me to call you Hajime or Hinata?

You, 12:36 P.M.: Hajime, well mainly because Hinata sounds more of like a girls name and I'm not a female. Also because I have a sister, but you'd know that if you scrolled far down my profile lol.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:37 P.M.: Her name was Chiaki, wasn't it?

You, 12:38 P.M.: Yeah, she originally planned on going to Hopes Peak before we moved. She was already registered in as the Ultimate Gamer too.

Atleast she was good at something.

Me? I was good at nothing.

I wish I was though.

Maybe I could be like my dad, who was the Ultimate Hope. Or maybe like my mother, who was the Ultimate Detective.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:38 P.M.: Thats cool! At least she has an actual talent.

This guy-

We're pretty similar so far.

Very similar.

Nagito Komaeda, 12:39 P.M.: Anyways, I have to get going. I always try to get to bed early.

You, 12:40 P.M.: But it's only 8:40 for you lol

Nagito Komaeda, 12:41 P.M.: As I said, I try to get to bed early. Bye, Hajime. I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright?

You, 12:42 P.M.: Yeah, see ya Nagito. Have a good sleep!

— ◾️

Chiaki and I stepped inside of our house, only to see a friend of our mom and dad, Aoi Asahina.

Of course she was also good at something.

"Hey, Miss. Asahina," Chiaki waved at her, still playing on her PSP. "Dad working late tonight I assume."

Asahina nodded at us. "Yeah, he is unfortunately. It saddens me that he doesn't have an organized working schedule. But moving on from that point, he asked me to take you guys out tonight, you know since you're always stuck inside."

Chiaki nodded, I just kind of looked down.

"Seems like it sounds good to Chiaki, what about you Hajime? You're always so down in the dumps, come on be positive!" Aoi smiled, and I smiled fakely back.

"Alright!" Aoi punched the air. "Come on, you guys go get ready. We're going out to dinner and then to wherever you guys want."

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