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— Nagito's P.O.V.

I started walking home. I didn't care if I left Ouma there by himself, he's fine. Him bothering Saihara is not my problem at all. Though he can get out of hand sometimes and I felt like a mother towards him, I didn't really care for him too much. I shouldn't really be saying that though, he's a friend.

I eventually made it back home. I opened up my front door, walked inside, kicked off my shoes, and closed my front door. I immediately went back to my bedroom and fell on top of my bed, pulling out my phone.

I sighed, "A text from Ouma, I'm so thrilled to see the trouble he got into now." I opened up his message.

Kokichi Ouma, 1:13 A.M.: Komaedaaa! Where are you?! I can't find you and I'm really scared that Chabashira will beat the crap outta me!!!

You, 1:23 A.M.: I might've stopped at the local café to grab some coffee to stay awake. I'm not usually up this late and you know that.

That was a lie, I really don't feel like having Ouma bust down my door. However, getting away with a lie that you told Ouma is difficult, he's a master of lies and I usually don't get away with a lie 95% of the time. He's just good at that, he should be the Ultimate Liar and not the Ultimate Supreme Leader. What about him screams 'supreme' anyways? He's just a little pain in the ass, acts like he's still six years old. Oh well, I put up with him anyway.

Kokichi Ouma, 1:24 A.M.: Okay! Don't get kidnapped or anything!!! I'll bother you tomorrow!

I smiled, at least he knew he bothered me and wasn't clueless about it.

I wanted to call Hajime, I believe it would only be around 6 p.m. for him, so a call wouldn't hurt, right? Unless he was still at the carnival.

Oh well, you only live once and if I want to call Hajime I'm going to call Hajime.

Dialing... Hajime Hinata, 1:26 A.M.

He picked up.

"Nagito!" Hajime half screamed, I chuckled at his reaction. "Didn't I tell you to get some sleep? It's like... one in the morning for you!"

I hummed, "I'll explain. My friend busted into my home, dragged me to a party so he could stalk some kid, and I left him!"

I could hear Hajime sigh, "Don't you think leaving your best friend isn't a good thing? He's your friend for god sake!"

"If you want to call him a friend even though he bothers me 24/7 then be my guest," I walked into my kitchen and got a glass of water, leaning against the countertop and taking a minute to drink it. "What are you doing, still at the carnival?"

"No, I'm not thank god," I could hear Hajime laugh a little bit, although I was a bit confused because I couldn't figure out what was so funny. "You saw the picture I posted, right? Yeah, we all had the idea to go into a mall and the other three people went into this shop, that shop was way too hot and I had to get outta there!" Hajime dragged out the 'y' in 'way'.

I chuckled once again. "I'm guessing you don't like carnivals, huh?"

"I'm not one for public places that are way too crowded. I guess I could've said public events, huh?"

"Yeah, me either. But then why did you go to the carnival if you aren't fond of public events?"

"My sister had the idea to go, and I didn't want to tell her no so I just threw on a jacket and we were on our way. She's made good friends with Kaede and Rantaro, so I guess that's good."

"Kaede and Rantaro?" I tapped my chin. "Who are they?"

"Oh, right. They were in the picture with Chiaki and I, Rantaro has green hair and Kaede has blonde."

"Oh, them!"

"Yeah," I could hear Hajime chuckle silently on the other line. "Chiaki gets along easily with everyone, I wonder how she does that. Wish I could do it."

"You got along with me pretty well, Hajime. I don't see why you wish you could do it."

"No, what I mean is, I wish I could just reach out to people much easier. Like how you reached out to me, I wish I could do that with people I know in real life to make some friends."

"Then how are you friends with Rantaro?"

"He came up to me, complimented me. I wouldn't call us friends, though. More of just like acquaintances."

"Then why are you hanging out with him right now?"

"It was a complete coincidence."

"If he asked you to hang out, would you?"

I heard Hajime go silent for a moment before returning his answer.

"Yeah, yeah now that I think about it I would."

"See, that's a friend you've got in real life right there! Good job, Hajime!"

I couldn't see it, but I felt like he was smiling. No not felt like it, I knew he was smiling. "Thanks, Nagito."

We continued our conversation for a little while longer, if I had to guess I'd say around just an extra seven minutes we kept talking. We talked about our interests, we vented to each other, all in just that short amount of time! Throughout this conversation, I realized that Hajime was really easy to talk to, I hope he felt the same way about me. I hope he thought I was easy to talk to.

After all of our vents, rants, and laughs, Hajime spoke up a bit seriously, but still holding onto his laughter from the previous topic. "Hey Nagito, I have to go. I can see Chiaki, Kaede, and Rantaro buying something and they're going to be out any minute. Call me when you wake up, alright?"

I smiled, "Yeah, alright! I'll get to bed so I have enough energy to talk to you!"

Hajime chuckled once again, "Goodnight, Nagito."

"Night, Hajime."

He hung up the phone.

That was the longest conversation I've ever had with Hajime.

I hope he picks up my call in the morning.

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