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Hello!! Sorry for not updating for so long. I got completely distracted by school, but in a good way. I'm actually somehow kind of enjoying school? But anyways, I'm so sorry for not updating for over 2 or 3 months!

— Hajime's P.O.V:

Today was easy. I went to school, did my homework once I got home, ate dinner, and watched Chiaki play a video game. She's really good when it comes to those.

I saw that Nagito posted something yesterday. He was hanging out with Souda and some other guy. It's nice to know that Nagito and Souda get along, but it's also kind of scary in a way. Scary because Souda can be dense at times, but he's still a pretty good friend so I don't think I should be complaining.

Nevermind, Souda is pretty weird.

"Hey Hajime," Chiaki kept her eyes focused on the monitor in front of her while she talked to me. "How's yours and Nagito's friendship going?"

"It's going good," I nodded my head and smiled in response, which was a useless thing to do because Chiaki wasn't even looking at me. "He's a good person to talk to."

"Has Dad talked to you about anything yet?" This time, Chiaki paused her game and looked over at me. That was really rare, unless it was a serious topic.

"No, but I recalled him saying he needed to tell me something. He might've forgotten about it though. I'll remind him when he gets home."

"Okay, don't ask him about it if he seems exhausted though. I don't think he got much sleep last night." Chiaki saved her game and went back to the main menu. "Playing by myself is getting boring, do you want to connect another controller so we can play multiplayer?"

— ▪️ Timeskip

Chiaki and I played video games for the next few hours. She kicked my ass everytime, but that's fine. We both had fun, and I think that's all that matters. Dad wasn't home yet though, he's had a longer day than any of us I think.

"Hey Nanami, I think I'm done for the night," I disconnected my controller after the round was over. "I'm going to head to bed, you should too. Get a good nights sleep tonight."

Chiaki pouted for a minute, but eventually disconnected her controller and turned off her console. "I think I'll listen to you this time. I have an important test tomorrow and was told a goodnights sleep would help."

"Okay, goodnight Chiaki. I'll wake you up tomorrow if you sleep in." I tried to make a joke, but it ended up not succeeding in making Chiaki laugh. It only made me let out a small chuckle, which seemed extremely forced.

I left Chiaki's room and closed her door. It was nice to know that tonight she was actually going to try to make an attempt at getting some sleep tonight. I walked across the hall and entered my plain and boring room and plopped down on my bed.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked the time. "It's only 9:16? It's so early and I'm so tired, it must've been a long day for me." I unlocked it and checked my messages.

Looks like Nagito messaged me earlier. Thinking about that made me smile.

The message was pretty basic. It was just a simple hello message, him asking how my day was today. It was short, but sweet.

You, 9:18 P.M.: Hey, Nagito! My day was pretty long, but you looked like you've had a fun day.

He didn't reply, which I guess is okay. No, it's more than okay. He's probably asleep so him not replying shouldn't be unnatural.

God Nagito, please reply.

— Nagito's P.O.V

I woke up at around 5 A.M. to seeing that my phone charger was not fully plugged into the wall, meaning that my currently dead phone was not charging at all. This was quite frustrating.

I angrily got out of bed and pushed my phone charger into the wall. I found it quite lucky that the charger didn't break on me.

I waited for around two minutes for my phone to turn back on. I don't think that I was going to get back to bed anyway, so being on my phone till my alarm went off was fine with me.

Maybe Hajime would be up too.

Once my phone turned back on, I quickly went to my messages and was happily greeted by a text from Hajime.

A text from Hajime that was sent over thirty minutes ago.

I hope he doesn't hate me or anything if I reply late! God, that wouldn't be good. Especially after, you know, me basically saying that I'm in love with him. It's not bad to be in love with someone you know over the internet, well unless you know them.

You, 5:53 A.M.: I'm so sorry Hajime! My phone was dead once I got home and I didn't have it charging so it was dead, causing me to not get your text.

Hajime Hinata, 5:55 A.M.: It's okay Nagito, calm down. It's fine lol

Good, he said it was fine. That's all I was worrying about.

You, 5:56 A.M.: Okay, good! But going back to what you texted me earlier, my day was fun! I got to hang out with Souda and Kuzuryuu again today, so that was fun! Well, besides the fact that Kuzuryuu keeps calling Souda an idiot and Souda gets completely defensive.

Hajime Hinata, 5:56 A.M.: Yeah, but to be honest Souda can be a bit dense sometimes.

Hajime Hinata, 5:57 A.M.: Don't tell him I said that though.

I laughed more than I should've.

You, 5:57 A.M.: Haha, don't worry Hajime I won't! You can trust me with that. But, I can't promise that he won't find out.

Hajime Hinata, 5:58 A.M.: Nah, he won't find out I don't have to worry about that. Just don't tell him.

You, 5:59 A.M.: Yeah, I won't!

My texting session with Hajime was over when my alarm went off. It seemed louder this morning for some reason, but that's something I shouldn't worry about. It's probably just my imagination anyways.

Speaking of my imagination, lately I've been comparing Hajime to a chestnut. I mean, with his hair he does kind of remind me of one. He practically is one I guess. I don't think I'll ever tell him that though.

You, 6:01 A.M.: Hey sorry, I have to get ready for school! I'll talk to you later, chestnut!

Hajime Hinata, 6:02 A.M.: Chesnut? Seriously lmao

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