▪️ 18 ▪️

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— Nagito's P.O.V.

I felt bad the entire day.

Hajime Hinata, 8:36 P.M.: Hey, Nagito! You doing homework or something?

Hajime Hinata, 8:43 P.M.: Hellooo Nagito! Are you busy? It's lunchtime for me, so I wanted to text you!

Of course I saw all of Hinata's texts, but I was too embarrassed about the whole chestnut thing to reply to them. So I just read them, over and over again. Luckily I turned the "Send Read Receipts" off, so he wouldn't see that I've read them.

Sure this was a stupid move, I agree, but I didn't want to have to deal with the risk of him not thinking me of the same person. We've only known each other for a short time now, and I apparently think that I have a crush on him? What am I supposed to do?

Maybe I don't have a crush on him, and I like the idea of being with him instead. Yeah, that's got to be it. There's no way I could like Hajime.

No, there's no way I could like Hinata.

I feel like I shouldn't even be calling him by his first name. He's a great person, don't get me wrong, but maybe I shouldn't be calling him by his first name yet.

I'll probably never get to call him by his first name like that though, he's probably not even into guys.

There's definitely no way he's into guys, especially me.

We're not compatible. Not in the slightest.

— Hajime's P.O.V.

Throughout dinner, my dad seemed like a completely different person. Of course he was happy and optimistic, he always was. Just this time, he was a lot more happier than usual. It kind of scared me in a way.

"I'm glad I can finally have dinner with you two again, it's been a good month or two since I've been able to." He looked at both of us and gave us a smile. My mom would always comment about how bright his smile would, and it looked like his smile could always make her happy without fail.

I miss her, I hope she's happy wherever she is now.

"I've missed it." Chiaki seemed to miss our dad's cooking more than how much she was enjoying it. She was eating a lot more than usual that's for sure. Though I guess I'm not one to talk, since I was doing the same. "I miss when we could all eat dinner together."

"Yeah, I do too." I knew that we all wouldn't eat dinner together anymore. Because our mom wasn't here anymore.

I think I should stop moping around about her. Sure I miss her a lot, she was like- no. She was an inspiration to me, but I feel like she wouldn't want to see me moping around every single day still trying to get over her death. She'd want me to keep moving forward, like Asahina told me.

I should just enjoy who I've got. Dad, Chiaki, and Nagito.

I wonder how he's doing, he still hasn't texted me back. He hasn't read them either. He's starting to worry me a little, and I don't know why.

I'll text him after dinner.

"So, what do you two want to do after dinner? Do you want to watch a movie, play a game, go somewhere?" Dad stroke up another conversation.

"I'm sorry Chiaki, but if we go somewhere it won't be the arcade." I took one last bite of my food before getting up to clean my dish off. Dad's too since he was also done.

"That's no fun..." Chiaki continued eating whatever she had left on her plate before handing her plate over to me. I sighed before taking her plate and cleaning it off.
"Speaking of the arcade, what ever happened to that DDR thing you and Rantaro set up?"

"It's this weekend." I still haven't forgotten about it. Well okay, maybe I forgot about it until Chiaki reminded me. That's not important though, is it?

"That sounds like fun..." Chiaki stood up from the table and helped me out with cleaning up the mess from dinner. It wasn't really a mess, but that's the only way I could describe it. "I'll be there to watch you."

"That reminds me," Dad walked over to us, and helped us out. "Chiaki already knows, but I haven't told you yet Hajime."

"Haven't told me what?" I looked over at Chiaki. What did he tell Chiaki that he hasn't told me yet? It makes me kind of curious, what could it be?

"We're moving back to Japan."

A/N: I'm taking a long hiatus. Sure it feels like I've already taken a hiatus, but I'm a bit burnt out on writing this story to be honest with you. I don't know when I'll be back, but don't expect another update for awhile.

This chapter was written back in the beginning of May, and I didn't finish it until now because I didn't have many ideas. Hopefully when I come back I'll have plenty of more ideas and be ready to write again.

Thank you.

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