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— Hajime's P.O.V.

I woke up that morning seeing my computer dead. I groaned, slamming my head back down on the computer.

"Hey Hajime!" My dad walked into my room, patting my back. "Time to get up! It's Friday!"

"Can I not go today?" I looked up at him, he sadly shook his head.

"You gotta go today, I'm sorry Hajime," he frowned. "I know you don't like school as much as Chiaki does, but cheer up! It's your last school year, so make it a fun one!"

"I guess," I lifted my head up from my computer and watched my dad smile.

"Come on, Hajime!" He kept smiling, you know his smile could bring hope and joy to the whole world if I was being honest. "I need a complete answer!"

"Okay! Okay!" I got up from my desk. "I'll go, I'll go."

"That's the spirit!" My dad looked up at me now, you know I was taller than the rest of my family. I stood at 5'10, my sister stood at the same height as my dad, 5'3. Hell, even my mom was shorter than me. I'm getting off topic though. "Also, I'm going to be home early tonight! So, both you and your sister can think of things to do after school!"

I smiled, my dad wasn't usually home until midnight sometimes. We would usually stay up until we got home, especially when we first moved to America. Though, he would normally tell us to go to bed if we were awake when we got home. When my dad was home, he was a fun person to be around and he could make a whole crowd of people smile in seconds, he was really good at that.

He didn't drink or smoke either, which was amazing. After our mother died, both Chiaki and I worried he would get caught up in this habit after all the movies and books we've read that have had this theme, but he did the complete opposite.

"Sounds great, dad!" I replied. My dad gave me a thumbs up.

"I'll be on my way to work now, have a good day Hajime!" He smiled once again at me and waved goodbye, before leaving me in my room. I could hear him saying goodbye to Chiaki downstairs.

I went through my closet and picked up my school uniform. Yeah, the school uniform I hated even though I wore it everyday. I hate this school, but haven't I mentioned that already? I mean, from what I've told to people it doesn't seem like I'm having a bad time, but being the friendless loser around school and not having a chance to talk to any of the amazing people who attended the school hits hard, well if that makes sense. It sucked, I wish I had enough courage and confidence to talk to people.

Hey, maybe Nagito can help me.


I threw on my school uniform and immediately grabbed my phone off my desk and texted Nagito.

You, 7:03 A.M.: Hey Nagito, sorry if I upset you last night. I fell asleep quite early, whoops.

That wasn't a lie, well not really. I did fall asleep early.

Nagito Komaeda, 7:05 A.M.: No worries, Hajime :) It's okay!

Nagito Komaeda, 7:05 A.M.: Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?

You, 7:06 A.M.: Yeah, well I have a question first.

Nagito Komaeda, 7:07 A.M.: What's up?

You, 7:08 A.M.: Well, I want to build up courage and confidence to talk to people at my school. Though, the problem is that they're all so good, good at everything. I'm nothing compared to them, I can't do anything. I want to be able to push all of that aside, and talk to them no matter what. I just can't do that however. Got any advice?

Nagito Komaeda, 7:09 A.M.: I'm the worst person you could've asked, I'm in the same boat as you, Hajime. Is luck even a talent? Everyone here is so good, there's a musician, there's a mechanic, there's even a fucking princess. Compared to them, I'm nothing. So, we're in the same situation.

I sighed, frowning. Who else would I ask? I mean, I guess I could ask Rantaro. He was quite popular when he was in our high school, and he was quite the womanizer before his senior year.

Nagito Komaeda, 7:11 A.M.: Actually Hajime, I have a question for you if you don't mind answering it.

You, 7:12 A.M.: Shoot

Nagito Komaeda, 7:13 A.M.: What happened to your mom? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to I was just curious.

I stared at Nagito's message, with wide eyes. It was a simple question, but it hurt. I missed my mother, everyone knew that so it was nothing new but whenever her name ever came up or even just "your mom" was mentioned, it hurt. Before I knew it, I was tearing up.

Maybe telling him would make it hurt less, hopefully.

Let's try that, let's try reaching out for once.

If you want to even call that reaching out.

I mean, it's kind of stupid. No wait, it's not. My mother dying isn't stupid!

I'll start from the very beginning

You, 7:15 A.M.: I guess I'll share. My mother and father lived in Japan with my sister and I for years, up until 2 years ago. 2 years ago, my mother was investigating a case. If you haven't figured it out already, she was a detective. After around a week of investigating the case she was assigned, she disappeared. She was missing for around 2 weeks, until somebody found her. Well, they actually found her body. She was brutally murdered, stab wounds left and right as I was told. They eventually found the people who did it, two fucking high school girls. The girls were thrown in jail, but managed to escape and go missing. This is when my father feared for my sister and I's safety and we moved to America. He thought moving here worked out well because two of my mom and his friends worked at the American location.

I missed my mother, I missed her a lot no matter how hard I tried to move on. I just couldn't though. She helped me through so much, even if it was just the dumbest shit that happened that day at school. She was always there to comfort me, she was the only person who I could talk to.

It hurt when she died, it hurt a lot.

Nagito Komaeda, 7:17 A.M.: I'm really sorry, Hajime ): She was probably really close to you since you've been hurt over this for years. I don't know how I can exactly help you, since we live across the world from each other. But I want you to know how sorry I am to hear that ):

You, 7:18 A.M.: You want to know how to help?

Nagito Komaeda, 7:19 A.M.: Of course I do, Hajime, why wouldn't I? We're friends after all.

You, 7:20 A.M.: Always be there for me, and I'll always be there for you, no matter what.

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