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— Hajime's P.O.V

"This isn't Chiaki, you imbecile," Byakuya fired back. "It's me, Byakuya. You need to get back into work."

My dad turned around and walked towards the front door. "Hey Byakuya! Why do I have to get back to work? I just got off!"

"Just come on and get back to work! We need your help!" I watched Byakuya grab my dad's wrist and shut the door.

Guess he's working late again I sighed. I was looking forward to hanging with my dad. Maybe some other time.

I walked back up the stairs and into my room.

Now should be a good time to call. It's around 11 for him, which I feel bad for but he's awake. He also lives alone so, it couldn't hurt. I don't think.

Dialing... Nagito Komaeda, 3:06 P.M.

He picked up.

"Hey, Hajime!" He started off the conversation. I could tell he was trying to play off that he wasn't tired.

"Hey, Nagito," I replied, smiling as I did. "I can tell you're tired. You should get some sleep and I'll call you later."

"It's fine Hajime don't worry about it," He yawned. I just sighed.

"Actually, I should worry. Get some sleep, it's good for your health," I put the phone on speaker and sat down by my desk.

"Who cares about a scum like me's health anyways?" He chuckled, somehow. I just frowned. "I could die in two seconds and nobody would give a shit!"

I opened up my computer, opening up my emails to see if I had any school work to do online. "I'd care, Nagito. You know I would."

"And why would you care?" He asked, curiously.

I opened up an email and read through it, frowning in the process. "Because, you're a really fun person to talk to and you're also easy to talk to. Just get to bed, you can call me whenever. I'll be awake."

"Fine, fine. I'll call you in 15 minutes!" His tone of voice seemed more excited.

"Wait! Sleep longer than 15 min-"

Nagito Komaeda hung up at 3:14 P.M.

"God dammit," I sighed, flipping up the app on my phone. "Guess I just have to work on homework and hope Nagito doesn't call me in 15 minutes."

I finished up homework around 3:46 p.m. Chiaki was now home, wondering where our dad ran off to. I told her he had to go back into work, so we were just on our own tonight. Surprisingly, Nagito hasn't called me back either. That's a good thing, at least he is sleeping, though I kind of miss talking to him.

Chiaki walked into my room after a while, "Hey Hajime, can we go somewhere? I don't want to be cooped up in the house and I'm sure you don't either."

"You got any ideas?" I asked Chiaki.

She nodded her head. "I figured you wouldn't want to go to an arcade again, so maybe we could go to the carnival that just opened up. It's nothing huge, but it'll be fun."

I stood up, walking over to my closet to throw a jacket on. "We can do that, though you might want to change out of your school uniform before we go."

"Right, that's probably a good idea now that I think about it," Chiaki walked out of my room and into hers, shutting the door after she entered.

I texted my dad about Chiaki and I's whereabouts, just incase he came home anytime soon.

You, 3:53 P.M.: Hey Dad, Chiaki and I are heading out to the carnival near the mall for a bit. Just letting you know.

Dad, 3:55 P.M.: Thanks for letting me know, Hajime :) I'm sorry I wasn't able to be at home and hang with both you and Chiaki. I'll make it up to you both, swear on my life!

You, 3:55 P.M.: That's okay dad, I get it. Don't worry :)

Dad, 3:56 P.M.: Alright, you and Chiaki have fun! I wasn't able to grab my wallet before I left, so you guys can take $40.00 out of there for the carnival if you want.

You, 3:56 P.M.: Thats okay, we can pay for it ourselves. But, thanks for the offer! :)

Dad, 3:57 P.M.: No problem, I'll pay you back when I get home. Have fun, Hajime! I'll be home around 8 tonight.

I locked my phone and shoved it back into my pocket. He didn't need to pay me back, it was fine. But, I knew in the end he would be paying me back anyways, that's just who he was.

Chiaki walked back into my room with her other clothes on. "Hey, you ready to go or have you just been looking at your phone for the past few minutes?"

"It's only been around three or so minutes," I slouched a bit, putting my hands in my pockets. "But yeah, I guess I'm ready to go. You know where this carnival is located?"

"Actually, I don't," Chiaki tapped her chin. "I've only heard about it from people at school."

"So you're telling me that we're going to a carnival and we don't know where in the hell it's located?" I sighed. "This'll be fun, for sure."


"There it is!" Chiaki pointed at the carnival that was up ahead. We've been walking for around thirty minutes just to find where it was located. Chiaki said it would be fun, so I agreed, even though I'm not very fond of things like these.

We walked to the front of the carnival and stood in the short line to get inside. We paid our admission and were met with a few "rides" and games. It was your basic carnival, not some crazy amusement park.

"Oh, look over there!" Chiaki pointed at my right. "It's that guy you were talking to at the arcade, the guy with the avocado looking hair, he's with a girl too!"

I looked in the direction that Chiaki was pointing at. She was talking about Rantaro when she said avocado looking hair. Maybe the girl he was with was his girlfriend.

"Come on, lets go tell them hello! You're friends with him, right?" Chiaki grabbed my arm and started leading me towards them. I followed her so I wouldn't trip.

"Rantaro is cool I guess," I sighed. "More of an acquaintance than a friend though."

We were eventually met with Rantaro and the girl he was with. "Hey, Hajime! Nice seeing you here!" Rantaro smiled at me.

"Nice to see you here too, I guess," I gave him a smile in return.

"This is my girlfriend, Kaede. You know, the one you're playing DDR against next weekend," Rantaro introduced me to the blonde that was right next to him. She looked to be obsessed with music or something, her hair clips were music notes and the pattern on her skirt looked something like sheet music.

"Nice to meet you, Hajime!" She held out her hand to me. I took it and shook it. "And no, I'm not that obsessed with music. I just play piano! Well, maybe some classical music is good every once in awhile."

"Nice to meet you too, Kaede." I let go of her hand and slouched a little bit. Chiaki introduced herself to Rantaro and Kaede, those three started a conversation with each other easily. I wasn't paying attention to their conversation, so I wouldn't know what they were talking about. I just started spacing out.

Well, I was spacing out until I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Incoming call from Nagito Komaeda, 4:34 P.M.

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