Cure melody

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3rd person

"Playing the wild rhythm, cure melody!" Melody's chatch phrase." Cure melody!" Gretal squealed." Don't worry," cure melody replied.

"Ha you think you can beat me? Symbi attack!" Icy asked the dragon reached out to grab melody but queeny whipped out a ring and used it to block its touch." Don't touch it or you will be trapped in its dream spell," queeny added.

"Then how am I supose to fight it?" Melody asked." Use you attack on me," she replied." What?! I can't do that!" Melody exclaimed." Don't worry trust me," she added as she puts on the ring.

Melody sighed and did her music rondo on quenny, but it didn't explode, instead..." Do, re me fa so la ti do.... fairy power up! Rainbow rondo!" The rondo glowed with rainbow light and queeny shot it at the dragon and it dissolves into golden dust.

A grief seed falls onto queeny's hand." Cool!" Gretal exclaimed. Everybody went back to what they were doing as if nothing happened. Melody turned back into hibiki right infront of gretal?!

"Oops," hibiki added." Hibiki?" Gretal asked." Hehe I knew it, hummy never stops talking about you," queeny replied." Hummy? How do you know hummy?" Hibiki asked." Well, allow me to introduce myself, I am pinky aka queeny, I am the messenger of the queen of the land of magic," she added.

"Please come, I do have somewhere to go," queeny replied. She explain what happens in the kingdom before she left and told them what must be done.

"How are you going to find these new precure?" Gretal asked." Our queen will be the judge of that," queeny added and pointed to the lake she brought hibiki and gretal to and then as soon as she said that a rainbow appears.

Then, the rainbow shone upon gretal...

Gretal's pov

Then, the world around me dissolves into blank white spaces," Because of your duty you'll have to follow your heart child, do not let the past blind you, just so you know that you'll always have me by your side, so be fearless, always be generous and always think intelligently," a voice called out to me?

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